7 | Relapse

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A few hours later, it was supper time. Everyone was at the table within 15 minutes of the dinner call, except for Rhea and Bucky. Steve was able to coax Bucky out, but not even Wanda could coax Rhea out. She was lost in a headspace Wanda wasn't even sure she could reach. The headspace was so blank, but also so cramped and full with loud thoughts.

"No luck?" Clint asked as Wanda returned to the table. When she shook her head, Clint shook his before everyone began to eat. After supper, Clint decided he was going to go and try to help Rhea. He was worried about her; and hoped he wasn't too late.

Rhea eyed the dagger on the shelf in her room. She slowly stood up and walked to it. She picked it up, holding it to the light and watching as it glinted. She mindlessly walked to the door and locked it, even barricading it with a chair underneath the handle before sitting on the floor. She looked at the knife again, marveling at it.

She pulled up her shirt and slid the knife's blade down her abdomen, sighing as it left a stinging trail of crimson. She then took it to her forearm, running it from the end of her wrist to her elbow. She watched as the blood slowly gathered, falling into a pool on the floor. She closed her eyes and focused on the stinging.

Clint walked to Rhea's room, gently knocking on the door. When no answer came, his palms become sweaty. He called into his communicator for assistance. It just so happened that Bucky was running down the hall. He reached Clint, and they shared a knowing look. They banged on the door, trying to get Rhea to open the door.

Rhea jumped when she heard the door banging. But she ignored it, and slid the knife down her abdomen over and over again. She then moved it to her face, and drew a shallow line from one side of her cheek bone to the other.. She sighed in satisfaction as she felt the warm liquid seep down her face, dripping onto her collar.

Bucky backed up and rammed into the door. The chair splintered, flinging pieces of it across the room, and the door flew open. Bucky and Clint's eyes almost immediately fell upon a shriveled figure on the floor by the foot of the bed. Clint called down the hall for Bruce and called into his wrist communicator about the situation. Bucky ran over to Rhea, who was turned on her side. He turned her so she was on her back, and his soul dropped when he saw the emotionless face in front of him.

He supported a hand under her back and held her close to him, trying his best to put pressure on the worst of her wounds; which were on her abdomen and one on her forearm. She was starting to lose consciousness. Bucky frantically shook her; trying to keep her awake. It broke his heart when she fell into a void that day, not even trusting him. He viewed her as the daughter he never had, and he wasn't sure what he would do if he lost her.

"Rhea! Rhea! Rhea, stay with me! Please! I'm sorry, Rhea! Just please, stay with us!" Bucky sobbed. He looked up when he saw Bruce, quickly enter the room with a stretcher. Bucky carefully and quickly lifted Rhea onto it, laying her on it. He frowned worriedly when he looked into her eyes to find a bottomless pit.

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