5 | Round 2

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Rhea was being sassy today. Like, really sassy. And Bucky wasn't having it. So he decided to teach her a lesson.

"Rhea, come here." Bucky called from the couch. Rhea sighed and walked over, sitting on the couch next to him.

"Rhea, your sassiness is not acceptable." Bucky warned as he sat next to her. Rhea rolled her eyes. "Okay, you asked for it. I'm going to have to punish you now." Bucky grabbed a power-dampening cuff and quickly threw it on Rhea's ankle. She looked down at it, then back at him and frowned. Bucky lifted Rhea up so her tummy was in his face, and blew raspberries all over it. She squirmed and giggled, but couldn't break free.

"Oh no, I'm just getting started!" Bucky grinned into her stomach. He set her on the couch, and blew a huge wet raspberry just above her belly button before planting little kisses all over her abdomen. She giggled and tried to wriggle out of his grip, but Bucky had his hands firmly on her waist. He sat on her legs and slid his fingers up and down her abdomen, watching happily as she squealed and giggled, trying to get away.

Clint happened to walk in, and burst out laughing at the scene. "What's going on here?" He asked, laughing. Bucky paused. "Rey has been really sassy today, so this is her punishment." He smirked. Rhea took her chance and managed to get out from under Bucky, quickly running out the door. "Oh, you're so going to get it now!" Bucky yelled as he jumped up and followed, Clint right behind.

Steve, Sam, and Scott all walked in, and agreed to stay and wait until the two returned with Rhea. Rhea was too cute when she was tickled, and it was hard to resist her cute little giggles.

Bucky and Clint caught up to Rhea as she was nearing the forest. Bucyk dove for her feet, but landed just short. Rhea smirked from behind her before running into the forest. "Come on!" Clint called as he raced after her. Rhea neared the stone wall again, and skidded to a stop. She panted and turned to face her pursuers. Clint was walking towards her in one direction, Bucky the other. She gulped.

"You just made your punishment so much worse, missy. There's three others back at the house waiting for you." Clint smirked when he saw Rhea's face drop. She backed up, but her back hit the stone wall. When Clint dove for her, she ducked, rolling up and starting to run. But Bucky tackled her to the ground, holding her tight against his chest. He swung her into a fisherman's carry over his shoulders as he and Clint ran back to the house.

They reached the house again to find the three others, sitting on the couch. Rhea squirmed, but Bucky held her tight. "Ahh, ahh, ahh. We're not done." Steve smirked as he walked over to Bucky. He poked Rhea's side, and she squirmed. Steve smirked even more and took Rhea off Bucky's shoulders, setting her on the ground in the middle of the living room. She looked up to see five men looking down at her and smiling mischievously.

At the same time, all five bent down and blew raspberries on her stomach. She threw her head back and giggled uncontrollably. Then she felt hands weave their way around her foot, sending tingling sensations in their tracks. Just after that, she felt hands graze over her ribs and some others on her lower abs. She felt someone hold her arms above her head, and tickle her armpits.

"STOHAOHAAAAOOOOPP! PLHEEHEEASSE!" Rhea pleaded. Suddenly, the fingers stopped. Rhea opened her eyes to find Bucky inches from her face. "Why?" He asked innocently. Rhea turned on her sass. "Because I said so." She replied snarkily, mimicking a fatherly tone of voice. Bucky chuckled. "Wrong answer!" He shouted into her tummy before blowing a huge raspberry on it and sliding his fingers across her abdomen. She tried to roll, but someone was holding her hips and Steve still held her hands above her head. When she tried to kick, she also felt someone holding her legs down.

Finally, Bucky stopped. Rhea sighed relief and breathed a little. "Oh no, Rhea. You're getting that four more times, sassafras." Clint teased. Rhea groaned but her groan turned into giggles when Sam blew a huge raspberry on her tummy. He repeated the same pattern; except this time, he also tickled her armpits. Next was Clint; he was an expert tickler since he was a father; after all. He went for her feet too, which made Rhea squirm a lot.

After that, it was Steve's turn, since Bucky took over in holding Rhea's arms. He blew the biggest, wettest raspberry on her stomach, which made Rhea squeak in surprise. Steve looked up, chuckling. "What are you, a mouse?" He joked. Rhea quickly shook her head, trying to control her giggles. Steve smirked and slid his fingers across her sides.

Finally, it was Scott's turn. He was the best tickler of all. He held her waist while he blew a huge raspberry and held it there, Rhea giggling uncontrollably. He then stuck his finger in her belly button, and her giggles turned into a belly laugh. Scott laughed and continued before finishing off with tickling each pressure point around her ribs.

Finally, when she thought it was over, five mouths all blew huge wet raspberries on her stomach. She squeaked in surprise, squirming. They let go and burst out laughing, sprawling out on the floor beside her. Rhea rolled over and pulled her shirt down, plopping on the floor too.

Rhea was so tired from laughing so hard, she could barely keep her eyes open. "Nap time, Rhea." Bucky said as he patted her back. She groaned in response. "I'm not a baby." She muttered into the carpet. "No. But you are as cute as one!" Bucky joked before wrapping an arm around her stomach and climbing the stairs to take her to bed. Almost immediately, she fell asleep. Bucky smiled to himself before shutting the door.

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