10 | I'm Sorry...

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"Rhea, why would you run away during therapy? It was a stupid move!" Bucky thundered. Rhea glared at him. "Because of a reason you wouldn't understand." Rhea spat, trying desperately to control her anger. "And what would that reason be?" Bucky yelled.

Rhea took a deep breath. "I was scared. okay? Scared to death of what may be revealed!" Rhea shouted at him. Bucky glared at her. "Watch your tone, missy." He threatened. Rhea gulped, but stayed silent. "You can't say that you were scared when we all obviously know you were just being stubborn!" Bucky continued, fuming. "I-I didn't mean to be." Rhea said quietly. She never wanted people to think that she never had a good reason for her actions. But now she felt that's how people thought of her.

Deep breaths were taken on both sides. "I wasn't being stubborn!" Rhea fear shrank as quickly as it grew. "Oh, really, sure. Then what was it?" Bucky hissed. Rhea looked away. "Answer me!" Bucky thundered, becoming impatient. At his words, Rhea flinched back so hard that she was trembling. Bucky immediately stopped. He looked so guilty. Rhea turned immediately and ran out of the room with her invisibility on.

Bucky worriedly walked out of the room, calling for her. Meanwhile, Rhea was running down the corridor, trying to find a quiet place. Steve noticed Bucky's distressed calls, and ran to him. "Rhea ran away after flinching in an argument." Bucky told Steve when Steve asked what was wrong. Steve nodded, and started looking for Rhea.

Rhea found a hiding spot in the main gym. She curled up in a ball, hugging her knees to her chest as her back rested by a storage cube container. She shivered at the thought of Bucky's intimidating voice piercing her strong facade.

She looked up when she heard footsteps, and her name called throughout the gym. She recognized the person as Steve, and was rooted to the spot. Steve turned the corner and immediately noticed her, eyes softening.

"Hey, Rey." Steve said gently as he sat down in front of her. Rhea stared at the wall behind him, waiting for him to speak. "Bucky feels really bad about what he did, and he desperately wants to apologize." Steve explained. Rhea looked at him in surprise.

Just then, the gym doors slowly opened to reveal a wary Bucky. "Steve?" Bucky called out. "Over here." Steve turned and called over his shoulder. Rhea stood up quickly, and tried to run, but Steve pushed her back down and secured her on his lap with a power dampening cuff attached to her ankle. Rhea huffed before turning to see Bucky sitting in front of her.

"Rhea, I'm so sorry I yelled at you. I never meant to hurt you, I just didn't understand. Can you forgive me?" Bucky asked as he looked into her gunmetal blue eyes. Rhea looked down in thought for a minute, before lifting her head up to meet her eyes with a concerned Bucky's.

Rhea nodded ever so slightly, but Bucky knew she meant she had forgiven him. He smiled wide and stood up, watching as Rhea and Steve stood up as well.

They were talking for a while whilst walking down the hallway when the comm beeped. The three froze and looked up at the ceiling. "All Avengers needed in the conference room." FRIDAY said, and she sounded urgent and worried if possible. The three looked at each other, before running down the hallway to the conference room.

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