Dear Reader,
I have to admit that I don't understand why my local Facebook groups are so up in arms about the rule of six?
I mean, I passed by a local primary school on my way to an unrelated appointment yesterday morning and what I saw made me wonder... just what is the point?
In this instance, there wasn't any social distancing at all. Parents and children were mingling freely with much less than one meter of space between one family and the next. Looking at the amount of space that these people had available for their use... social distancing was never going to be an option in that area. The only way that it could have been done is to have each class come in through two waves.
I see adults all up in arms about teenagers, who are old enough to know the risk congregating in groups to drink alcohol... but nothing is said about these children who need adults to speak out for them and protect their safety.
Quite honestly, I'm getting tired of all the drama - especially when it's so painfully obvious to us all that the policies that we have in place to "curb the spread" are useless.
We've all seen that second spikes occur as soon as lockdown is lifted - and this is exactly what is going to happen here.
It makes a mockery of the three months that the most vulnerable members of society spent in lockdown during the first phase of this virus.