16 / 7 / 15

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Okay, this entry is a little late - but it's better late than never, right?

So, we went to Bakewell today because my niece had to see her flat again. I stayed outside with the dog while my husband went in with her.

As it turned out, it was another wasted trip... this is the second time that she has seen this bedsit... and each time, it's been nothing more than a building site. The landlord wants her to sign a tenancy agreement for it - but how can you get a feel for a property that only has a boiler, toilet and a load of rubble in the middle of the floor in it?

Needless to say, both she and my husband are reluctant to sign for it until they can get a feel for the property. Of course, the problem with that is that she hasn't got the place until she's signed for it - and there's still a risk that someone else might sign for it underneath her. In the event of that happening, she will be back to searching all over again.

The second half of the day went better because we were shopping. I didn't have a problem with spending the £10 I had... I spent it (and more besides) in a new age shop.

Thanks to that little shopping spree, I've almost filled the shoe box that I keep my incense sticks in. Before long, I'll have to lay off buying incense for a while and treat myself to something else instead.

I don't think that I'll have any problems with that now that I've been to that shop. I virtually spent thousands of pounds in there!

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