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16th of January 20XX.

Jennie's birthday.

"Mom insisted on making it grand, hell just thinking of it is giving me stress." The brunette whined, pacing in her bedroom back and forth.

"I need to be there by 9, no biggie. But Rosie needs to be there too... I know, she know, Lisa yes she will go of course..."

"Then why are you freaking out?" The woman's best friend complained from the other line.

"Well it's because... many important people would be there and I need to.. you know, be professional." Jennie paused, rubbing her temples.


"I just wanna enjoy my birthday Lisa, and I can't do that with that many people looking up to me the whole night." Jennie sighed, throwing her body down the bed.

"Rosie would be there, don't worry." Lisa assured.

"Yeah right, as much as I hate it, I know Rosie hates it most. She hates social gatherings, especially those fancy parties and shit."

"I'm even quite surprised that she agreed to go."

"It's your birthday Jen, of course she would go. Everyone is going!"

"Yeah but... you know about us... I'm not really hoping for much anymore." Jennie bit her lip and sadly stared at the ceiling.

Without her knowledge, the tall blonde woman who has shared the bedroom with her for the past four years was standing against the door, hearing every word she has said.

"So what happened in therapy?" Lisa pried.

"To be honest, I don't wanna talk about it."

"So I guess it didn't end well." Lisa said, her voice falling down a notch.

"We argued then talked with the therapist, then argued. It was kind of embarrassing to be honest." Jennie sighed.

"Hey, sure you okay?" Lisa asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, Lisa. I will be, like I have always been." Jennie smiled bitterly, reassuring her friend... or more like convincing herself.

"I gotta go, Rosie needs to attend a two hour afternoon session. I need to pack her some lunch." The woman sat up, about to leave the room.

"You still do that?"

"What do you mean I still do that? I'm still her wife Lis, nothing really has changed. I mean not the way I treat her and certainly not my love for her." Jennie admitted, turning on the doorknob and pushing the door to find the blonde in front of her.

"Rosie..." Jennie breathed out.

"Uh-oh. Gotta hang now Jen." Lisa replied one last time before the call ended.

"You don't have to." Rosie coldly replied, her brown eyes staring at her blankly.

"Hey, I have to because I want to." Jennie argued, following behind Rosie to the kitchen.

"Well I don't want you wanting that." Rosie replied timidly, making the smaller girl snap.

"And who are you to dictate what I should want and not?"

"Just don't Jennie." The taller woman dragged the words between gritted teeth.

"I will fucking do it because I want to fucking do it, and you can't fucking stop me from fucking doing it!" Jennie yelled, reaching for the bread and ham.

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