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"Are you ready?" Roseanne nodded, wetting her lips and focusing her attention on the doctor.

"Throughout your marriage, when were you most grateful to Jennie? When were you the happiest with her?"

Rosé glanced at Jennie's direction, expecting that she would be looking at her with either hopeful or expectant eyes but she was wrong. Jennie was instead looking down on her feet, playing with her fingers while sitting quietly.

"I have always been grateful to have Jennie in my life, she was the only person who saw me for who I really am, apart from my mom..." Rosé began, swallowing the lump on her throat.

"And more thankful to her now, for you know... not giving up on me, for holding onto us." Rosé met the doctors eyes and tried her best not to cry.

"But if there was one thing that struck me most, the moment that caught off me guard, it was when everybody left but she stayed."



"Congratulations Rosie!!" Jennie jumped, engulfing me in a big warm hug.

"I'm so proud of you... my fiancée." Jennie cheekily replied, handing me a bouquet of red roses.

"My favorite girl and her favorite flowers."

"So you do have other girls?" I arched my brows, teasing her.

"Yeah, cause my mom count. But don't tell her I said you're my favorite." Jennie whispered, winking at me afterwards.

"Alright, I won't." I chuckled.

"I love you my sweet Rosie posie." Jennie pinched my cheeks, and grinned happily.

"And I love you too my Jennie bear, now let's go eat inside. They must be waiting." I smiled and pulled Jennie inside of the home-style restaurant that my mom owned, the place where I proposed to Jennie a few weeks ago.

There was a lot of people who came, often congratulating me for graduating as the batch valedictorian. I smiled and shook their hands, eager to ditched them all and just sit beside my Jennie.

And after what felt like eternity, I found my mom, Jennie and her parents in the balcony. Sitting and chatting happily and I stared back and smiled in content, these are the people that I love, the only people that matters.

"Oh sweetie, come on now. Let's eat!" Mom yelled, beckoning to me sit in-between her and Jennie.

I sat down and placed my arm on Jennie's back, stealing cheek kisses from her before placing my chin on her shoulder.

"So Roseanne, tell me about your plans after graduation?" Jennie's dad asked, always the businessman.

"Well I'm planning on entering business of course, dad." I smiled.

"Oh but you said you're not into business, sweetheart." Jennie's mother chimed in.

"I planned on creating my own business." I smiled proudly, getting the attention of everyone, including Jennie.

"You never told me anything." Jennie whispered, looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"What do you plan on doing Rosie?" My mom asked this time.

"I'm so passionate with music mom, and I thank Jennie here for inspiring me to sing and play again. I was thinking of making a business out of something that I love." All their eyes were focused on me, with my mom looking at me with concern.

"I planned on opening up a music school for children." I beamed, catching them all off guard.

And there I saw it.

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