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My dearest Rosie and I was eating peacefully in her office, playfully teasing each other on the side when a knock and a seductive voice of a woman interrupted the both of us. We looked at each other, I looked a little surprise and taken aback but Rosie looked shock and uneasy.

"Irene?" Rosie called but the girl barged inside, wearing her sexy smile that I found cringey, to be honest.

"It's Suzy, Miss Park. Wrong Bae." The girl gasped when she saw my wife with me, and I smiled at her sweetly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know Miss Park was with someone." She composed herself quickly and extended her hand for me to shake. "I'm Suzy Bae, drums teacher." She introduced herself and I stared at her hand then back to her face with my cold piercing eyes.

I saw her retract her hand and smiled awkwardly and I yelled internally in victory, that's it! be intimidated!

"I didn't know people still call you Park." I turned around to give my wife the same cold demeanor and she shivered a little, her eyes unable to meet mine.

"Uh, I kept telling them that but they won't listen." Rosie defensively replied and I arched my brows, unamused.

"Oh... they?" I glared at her hard and Rosie nervously hummed.

"Suzy and Irene, the small girl in the hallway who greeted us earlier."

Oh so that's why that bitch was looking at her like she's about to devour her, I knew that girl! She was a nursing student and a notorious playgirl at Patten University, Seulgi Kang's girlfriend a nerdy girl named Wendy's ex.

I heard she cheated on Wendy with Seulgi, so I can't really be surprised if she's hitting on my wife now.

"Oh, so what does she do here? I thought she graduated Nursing?"

"She's the school nurse." My wife scratched her neck and I rolled my eyes.

"Miss Park employed Miss Bae when she resigned from Gyukhan Research Hospital, the hospital was far from her new residence so Miss Park took her in since we need a school nurse." Suzy butted in and I tried to give her the fakest nice smile I can muster.

"How very thoughtful of you."

"Who are you anyway? Sorry for being rude but Miss Park never really brings anyone here." Suzy taunted, giving me that equally annoying sweet smile.

I glared at her and turned to face my wife, her mouth hanged open when Suzy said that and she looked at me apologetically right after.

"Suzy, stop. You're being–"

"Why don't you tell her who I am, Rosie." I smiled a deadly sweet smile at my wife, making her gulp and face the woman in front of us.

"Suzy Bae, this is Jennie Kim, my wife. Baby, this is Suzy Kim, the drums teacher." Rosie introduced me to her and I saw how her arrogant feature shifted to a fearful one, it was my turn to return the favor and smile at her and she nervously smiled back.

"I am Roseanne Park-Kim's wife, the woman you kept on calling Miss Park." I sarcastically added, enunciating the first sentence in case she was dumb enough not to process that the girl she's flirting with is already taken.

"The owner of this music school too." I smiled some more widely until I felt my cheeks hurt. The anger and annoyance is building up faster in my blood.

"I love my wife's surname but I appreciate it if you could call her Mrs. Kim instead, since you know, we're married." I raised my ring finger in emphasis.

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