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Long update........


2 months later

"Baby? Where are you?" Jennie groggily sat up, massaging her aching head.

"I left early, I have to check the rest of the things needed for Tuesday." Roseanne answered from the other line.

"Oh, is Amanda Yang free to sing?" Jennie worriedly asked, standing up to brush her teeth.

"I made sure honey, don't worry too much." The younger blonde chuckled, making Jennie shook her head.

"I'm not worried, it's you who's worried actually. You go around checking the wedding venue, over and over again." Jennie huffed, putting toothpaste on her toothbrush.

"Well you can't blame me, I want everything to be perfect." Rosé argued. "Well of course, it's not my Rosie if she's not a perfectionist." Jennie teased and the latter just laughed it off.

"See you at home, my love."

"Drive safely, and come home quickly because I already miss you." Jennie sounded a bit clingy, and Roseanne could only bit her lower lip, her heart fluttering because of her wife.

Because of her. Always.

Jennie hung up the phone and proceeded to take a quick shower, she needs to make a few phone calls to finalize their wedding and was deeply moved because her friends, Douglas and Jisoo included, took the opportunity to help her plan and organize. She was happy that they were willing to help out in anyway that they can.

Not that their wedding was huge and grand, it was quite the contrary. If their first wedding was grand and big and screams wealth and luxuriousness, this one was different. Jennie decided for a small and intimate wedding with only their family and closest friends invited, no big names, no businessmen, and certainly no rich people drinking champagne like it was water.

Rosie of course, just went along with all of it. Although she wanted to give her wife the best wedding ever, she figured that she already gave her one, a few years ago, and that all Jennie wanted was this to be solemn, and attended by all the important people in their lives.

No pretend, no whatsoever. Just like the both of them.

"Hello Dr. Bang?" Jennie picked up the call after she blow-dried her hair.

"Jennie, I am so sorry I missed your call earlier." The doctor apologized but Jennie was quick to tell the woman that it was okay. "I was just wondering if you're free on Tuesday? Three days from now?" Jennie asked and after a short paused the doctor answered.

"Oh, I'm sorry darling but I will be out of town. My eldest son will be married on Wednesday and I need to be in Ohio by Tuesday afternoon. Why?"

"Oh it was nothing Dr. Bang, you enjoy Ohio and tell your son congratulations and best wishes for me." Jennie happily replied, albeit a little sad that the woman who had helped their failing marriage will not be able to attend their wedding.

Jennie knew that if she told her that she's getting married with Rosé again, Dr. Bang would say she's free in a heart beat and the last thing the brunette would want is the doctor to be late to her own son's wedding.

"Will do. But I'll tell you what... you enjoy whatever it is that you have planned on Tuesday okay? Even if I'm not physically there to accompany you and such, I will be there in presence." Dr. Bang, always had the right words, and just like that Jennie no longer felt sad.

"Thank you Dr. Bang... for everything." Jennie mumbled, biting her lip.

"Oh, no need to thank me. Whatever it is, you deserved it, you earned it, and it belonged to you." The older woman reassured her and Jennie felt herself almost tear up.

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