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💙❄️Together, once more.❄️💙

"I don't want the reward," Y/N quietly said, meeting her eyes, "give it to Dmitri. Anyone but me, I don't deserve it."

She didn't give her a chance to argue, she only walked down the long staircase. It hurt even being in here, for she knew Anya was in here.

She also knew what she had to do.

Her heart pounded so loud within her chest, she swore it'd blow her cover somehow.

Carefully, she lifted a small window, then looked down to see her brother climbing up the ladder that he placed, "come on. I just want to get this over with." She whispered.

"I know," he mumbled, then grabbed onto Y/N's hand. She then pulled him in, "here," he handed her the gun.

She looked at it for a moment. With shaky hands, she took it from him then placed it in the pocket inside her jacket, "now what?" She murmured.

"Follow me. Let's go look around."

After a while, they eventually ended up finding her.

"Come on, Y/N. It's her life or yours." Glen whispered over to her.

She looked up at him and gave a small nod, though it was obvious she was beyond hurt. She didn't want to do this.

She looked at the necklace around her neck. No matter what happened during her life, she always will love and care for The Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov, and she hated herself for that.

She hated that she was in love with Anastasia.

"Go. I'll keep watch." Gleb muttered, giving his sister a pat on the back.

Y/N nodded, then stood up, making her way towards the girl in a bright red dress.


She spun around, looking at Y/N with wide eyes, "Y/N.." she whispered, her eyes glistened with unshed tears, "what are you doing here?"

Y/N paused, "I don't know."

"You, I was so worried-"

"Please, don't." She found herself tearing up. She furiously wiped at her eyes, "I need to do this."

"Do what?" Anya found herself tensing up.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, it was almost inaudible. But Anya heard it, and she couldn't deny her fear once Y/N pulled out a gun.

Anya looked at gun with wide eyes, then back at Y/N, "what are you-"

"Please. Just don't speak." Y/N shook her head, then cocked the gun. "You can't be Anastasia, you can't be.." She said to herself

"Why don't you want me to be?" Anya asked, her head now held high. She showed no fear. This, for some reason, upset Y/N.

"Stop talking!" She repeated, her grip on the gun tightening.

"Y/N you don't have to do this." Anya spoke, "just listen to me. Please."

"No, no, no, no." Y/N placed her finger on the trigger. She loved Anya. More than anything. No ones ever been so kind, no ones ever cared so much.

But she had to do this, "Goodbye Anya." She pointed the gun at her chest.

The girl in front of her looked at her, her gaze never breaking. She wouldn't show fear, she wouldn't show how hurt she really was, she wouldn't show that she really loved Y/N, even if she was going to kill her. She would always love her, no matter what happens, "Goodbye."

A moment of silence paced by.

It was thick, tension and fear hung in the air around them. There wasn't a sharp bang of the gun to rip the tension either.

"I can't." Y/N finally said, slowly lowering the gun.

The next thing she did, shocked but Gleb and Anya.

She pointed the gun at herself.

Y/N!" Anya took a step forward, "don't. Oh please, don't.." she whispered.

"They'll kill me anyway," she shook her head, "I'd rather die by the hands of my own and not theirs."

"Then stay here." Anya desperately said, now slowly approaching the girl, which, Y/N responded with backing up.

"They won't allow it." Y/N glanced over at Gleb. He was completely still, eyes wide with worry, just like Anya's.

"But you were the daughter of the royal guard."


"That has to give you some sort of title." She mumbled.

"How did you know? Did Dmitri tell you?"

She shook her head, then slowly walked towards Y/N again. But this time, she did not back off, "I remember."

"How?" Y/N felt herself tear up, "how did you.." she trailed off and wiped away her tears.

"Here," she walked up to her nightstand, then grabbed the necklace at the top, "you gave this to me. R-right?"

Y/N gave a small nod, not trusting her words. She swore if she said something aloud, she would break down on the spot.

"A-and you're wearing yours," she looked at Y/N with her blue, Romanov eyes, "do you mind?" She held out the necklace for Y/N.

"You still can't put hooked necklaces on?"

Anya gave a sad laugh and nodded, "it's embarrassing, I know." She turned around, letting Y/N hook on the necklace.

Y/N suddenly flinched back, "I need to go. I - Anya I'm so sorry." She started to rush away but Anya quickly grabbed her wrist and spun her around.

"I understand."


"Why you came to kill me — You had to. But now you don't, you can live here, with me." Anya softly said.

"That's impossible — you can't.. you can't just forgive me that quickly." Y/N fixated her gaze at the floor, "Anya, I tried to kill you. Yet you forgive me almost right away."

"Because I understand, Y/N." She intertwined their hands, "come on. We can live a happily ever after — together."

"Come on, Y/N," Gleb walked towards them.

"You too, Gleb?" Y/N sniffled, but a smile followed after.

He chuckled, then nodded his head.

Anya let out a squeal, then threw her arms around Y/N, "I love you." She whispered in her ear.

Y/N blushed, then mumbled back a small, "I love you too," in return.

Anya suddenly leaned forward and placed a quick kiss at the corner of her mouth.

"I — is this wrong?" Y/N looked off to the side, her face a bright shade of pink.

"It doesn't feel like it." Anya grinned, this time, placing her lips onto Y/N's. And after a moment, she kissed back.

A small click was heard, and they both knew what it was. The magnetic click of their necklaces connecting once more.

The End.

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