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❄️Everything to lose.❄️

"Dmitri?" Y/N accidentally ran into him, "sorry - how long was I?"

"Anya figured it out," he whispered, ignoring her question. "She knows it all started out as a trick. But it's not like that anymore, right?" He gazed at Y/N, looking as if he was about to cry.

"Of course.." she murmured, then looked around the room, "where is she anyways?"

"Packing her things." He simply said, "I have to convince her, that she really is Anastasia." He desperately said, "you go get her. Try and get her to stay, I'll be back."

"Okay, Dmitri." Y/N gave him a small nod, then rushed off, looking for Anya.

"Anya?" Y/N stopped in a room where she heard rustling, "Are you-"

"Go away." She muttered, shoving clothes into her suitcase.

"Just listen to me-"

"No," Anya turned around, "I've done enough listening," She grumbled, "you all made me believe I was someone I'm not."

"Anya please," Y/N desperately said, "I do care — we all care."

"Then why would you trick me?" She whispered, her eyes glazed over with unshed tears, "What have I ever done to you?"

"It started out as that, them—us tricking you, but you really are Anastasia, your memory with Dmitri proves so!"

"I was most likely imagining that," she shook her head, "and you. If you really knew her and if I was her, I should've remembered you by now." Tears streamed down her face, "you lied to me. Just admit it, you're not tricking me any longer."

"I didn't lie to you!-"

"Just stop, Y/N, stop!" She exclaimed, "I'm not falling for it.." she turned around, "now go away. I don't want to see you," she let out a quiet sob, "Ever again."

Y/N bit her lip. Oh how she wanted to break down on the spot.. but she wouldn't. "Okay." She stiffly said.

Anya turned to face her one last time as she walked out the door, a blank expression on her face.

"It will be easier now." Y/N jumped, then turned to face the owner of the voice. "Easier to kill her now."

Y/N only nodded at him. "Mhmm."

He pulled his sister in for a quick side hug, then walked off, him guiding her along the way.

It hurt, a lot. She didn't want it to end like this. But, as Gleb said, it would be easier.

But not totally. She still loved Anya.

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