Sleepy Beef

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<Requested by: Ria_Rue>

Beef hummed quietly to himself as he wandered through the streets of Three Fox Hole, a shulker filled with materials in his hands as he moved to place it next to his makeshift storage system on the island. He had no plans of building today, and he was just collecting random things and packing them up to place in one central place. Placing the box down he did one last sweep of the area to make sure he hadn't missed anything. When he passed Mo the illager handed him a bowl of steaming rabbit stew, which he happily accepted with a smile and a thank you. Settling down at the edge of the town he lazily ate the soup, just relaxing and enjoying the nice breeze. But like all good things his stew was soon finished, which means that he no longer has an excuse as to not be out checking in on his shops, so with a wave and a called out goodbye to Mo, he left for the Cowmercial district.

The walk through the nether was thankfully peaceful and danger free, lord knows what would have happened had he been attacked in his tired state. Stepping out the other side he was nearly run into by Scar, the mayor shouting an apology behind himself as he rushed into the nether. He didn't really comment on it, they had all run like madmen at one point or another after all. So with a shrug Beef went around checking his shops. Like usual wool was selling, and that was about it for sales. So he quickly restocked before walking back to the nether portal, waving at Impulse as the other wandered around with a shulker in hand.

Beef's trip through the nether was easy and surprisingly calm, not a single scare or attack on his person, something which he was eternally thankful for, he was far too tired to be dealing with anything like that. Stepping out of the portal he wasted no time in going up to his hacienda. Once there he put all his stuff away, making sure to keep golden carrots and wheat on himself. Walking to his backyard he let a tired, but still very warm, smile spread over his face he wandered over to where all his llamas were.

Two were standing by the gate, happily greeting him with soft headbutts. Beef happily patted the two laughing at their butting, "Hi guys! I've missed you too!" Walking in he was met with more llamas walking up to him, all happy to see him. And he was just as happy to see them, especially after a long day of hard work.

He barely managed to pat and feed them all before his tiredness became too much for him, demanding he stop and take a nap. So not in the mood to walk back in Beef decided to just go to sleep in the llama pen. The tall man was seconds away from just laying down on a rock when one of the brown llamas butted him away. He gave the fluffy animal a confused look, but he soon realized what it wanted when it laid down.

"Do you want to nap with me?" The bearded man asked in surprise, genuinely not expecting that. The llama, as well as the others, just huffed at him, one even pushing him forward. Beef blinked for a few seconds before shrugging and settling down, the soft warm fur of his fuzzy friend welcomed him warmly and he couldn't help but to sink further into it.

Not long after all the llamas there were nuzzled up into a pile with Beef in the middle, all, man included, happy and content.

And that's how Keralis found him, asleep and cuddled up to llamas. He barely batted an eye at the strange scene, but he did go and get a blanket for Beef so that he for sure wouldn't be cold. All whilst he was doing this the brown llama his servermate was asleep one was watching him, just waiting for him to mess. Keralis would be lying if he didn't find the sight scary. But he soon saw it was just keeping an eye out for his friend, so Keralis just placed the blanket on before retreating back out of respect.

So Keralis left the Hacienda and its surrounding area without asking about the thing he came for, but he did get quite a few blackmail worthy pictures of sleep Beef so it was still a win for him. Plus Beef looked pretty cute sleeping with the llamas, which was very sweet and wholesome and also a bonus in Keralis' mind.

<I know it's a little short, but I still like it! Also two Hermits I don't write about a lot, and no Grian whatsoever! I'm branching out! Anyways if you see any mistakes blame my tired state and use of my phone. But I think that's all of it, so

Stay safe and have a wonderful time everyone! See you all soon!>

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