More Info!

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    Please read! I know long ANs suck, but this stuff is all useful and will hopefully help you decide whether or not to read. If you have questions about anything written here, please ask in the comments!

    If you didn't see in the tags, this will probably be a lot of Naegami since I happen to be writing a lot of it recently.

    I hate saying "Danganronpa oneshots" because I know that it lowers the appeal of reading since there's no guarantee of your otp content. Sorry if that discourages you, but please stick around! I can't promise amazing/showstopping concepts or anything, but I can promise some decent writing and very very minimal spelling/grammer mistakes!

    Just to get this out in the open- I hate Kyoko, like with every fiber of my being. Her angsty coldness just rubs me the wrong way. I can acknowledge she's a great character or whatever, blah blah blah. I know that she's probably a lot of people's favorite or kin, so I hope I don't offend anyone by saying this. Anyway, you might see some vague hints of Naegiri in my Naegami fics, but it is always one-sided and purely for the drama/my own satisfaction of seeing her suffer LMAO. Sorry if that bothers you!

    Like I said in the description, I haven't written any smut, but we do get steamy here 0///0

    Definitely sexual themes, some direct implications of sex, cursing, violence, etc. Watch out if any of that isn't for you!

    I will absolutely warn you at the start of any/all nsfw chapters if I do end up writing any.

    Any art that isn't directly credited is my own! I am very strict with myself about giving credit, so you'll know who did what and where they post. Please don't trace/upload my art anywhere without asking! I usually don't watermark my art just because I'm self conscious but I still wouldn't appreciate you using it without permission.

    I love seeing and reading comments on all fanfiction, so please leave as many as you want!! I love to know what you think and what you enjoy!

    If you have a request, please send it to me! If I like the idea I might accept it and credit you for it!

    Sometimes I find myself getting annoyed by how much time oneshots take to explain the current relationship of the ship of that au, so I came up with a quick guide that I'll reference at the start of every chapter so that we can get into the good stuff!

    S- Strangers  JF- Just Friends  CF- Close Friends  OO- One Oblivious BO- Both Oblivious  MY- Mutual Yearning  ER- Established Relationship  PR- Past Relationship UR- Unrequieted

    Sorry if it's hard to remember, I'll probably put the meanings of the acronyms next to them so that you don't have to keep bouncing back to this chapter when you're confused. The OO will usually be for the reader to find out who is oblivious. I'll probably make it fairly obvious. There might be a little overlap as well, like how a MY chapter usually means they don't know that they have shared feelings.

    In addition to that, some of my oneshots are loosely connected. This is because I don't have the motivation to actually write out a full story for any of my ships, so I just write oneshots that happen on similar timelines. Anyway, if you see something from OneshotB that seems to be referencing OneshotA, then assume that something similar happened in this au.

    One last thing to keep in mind! I have a weird integrated relationship with the english and japanese versions of the fandom/games. For DRV3 they'll address each other almost completely by first names, except occasionally Kokichi will call Shuichi 'Saihara-chan' just because I think that's the cutest thing ever. DR2 will go by mainly first names as well. In DR1 though, I kinda like to use the closeness factor when deciding whether first or last names are used, but only for the main trio + Toko. The rest of the THH cast will go by first names. Sorry that's super needlessly complicated lol!

And finally, to Roni. If you're reading this... well... maybe just pretend it's not me who's writing this LMAO.

Sorry for longevity, please enjoy!

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