Naegami: The Library [OO]

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AN: When I wrote this I totally forgot that it's a rule that they can't sleep outside their rooms in DR1... Maybe just forget that rule exists? XD

[OO] - One Oblivious

    I peered through the door to the library, seeing Naegi hunched over a book, the only light source being the lamp on the table in front of him. I opened the door wider, stepping partially inside.

"Naegi." He looked up from his book, slightly startled.

"Oh, hi!" I walked over to him, letting the doors close behind me. Hopefully that'll keep Fukawa from tailing me.

"I figured you'd be here since I discovered you this morning. You should get back to your dorm, it's almost nighttime." I said.

"Well... yes, but... I can never get to sleep." He admitted, his face reddening slightly. "Monokuma told me we're not allowed to bring books out of the library unless it's evidence, so..." I sat down in the chair next to him.

"I never thought of you as the reading type." I said, leaning over to see what book he had.

"I used to read a lot when I was younger but I kinda lost the time to do it. Until now of course." He laughed softly.

"If you'd like I'll read with you until you get tired. You'll hurt your back if you keep falling asleep in chairs." I offered.

"O-oh, sure!" I got up to get a book and then returned to my seat.

I opened the book, skipping to an engaging part halfway through since I'd already read it. I let my own narration of the book drown out the nighttime announcement.

Despite the contents of the book reaching an interesting point, I found myself getting... distracted. Naegi was absorbed in his own book, which gave me my best opportunity to just look at him. The way his hair fell slightly in front of his face, the way his eyes sparkled even in the dim light of the lamp, his small smile as his eyes traveled across the pages.

Against my better judgement, my brain started to run away from me. How his wrists would fit perfectly in my hands, how easily he'd be trapped under me, the expressions he would make, the noises-

Naegi moved suddenly, taking off his coat. I had to blink a few times to properly orient myself. For a second I thought it was just my imagination, but no, he really did that.

"Was I staring?" I asked, hoping that would make it look like an accident.

"Uh... a little." He said sheepishly. "I don't mind! Uh- I guess. Not that you wanted to stare at me or anything." He looked abruptly back down at his book, seemingly embarrassed.

"Um..." I gave up barely halfway through trying to make a sentence. What was I supposed to say? I did want to stare at him.

I returned my eyes to my book, flipping the page in the hope I'd look less suspicious. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop myself from occasionally looking up at him. My eyes were hungry for any movement, the slightest change of angle.

How it'd feel to have my tongue in his mouth...overpowering him until he has to gasp for breath, dripping with ecstasy, begging for more-

Naegi cleared his throat, looking uncomfortable. He fiddled with the zipper on his jacket, driving me crazy.

"Is it like... weirdly hot in here or something?" He asked. The universe has to be punishing me...

"Ah, I guess a little?" I managed to say.

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