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It's been six days we are getting letters.
I wake up early and get to the letter box. It is always big letters on page.

I am hiding them under my matress.
It's seventh day I went to take the letter.
I woke up JIN and he went to shower.

I ran to my room and scattered all the letters on bed. I arranged all by the date. I gasped when I see what it gave.

"hi slut"

I GOT IT after arranging all the letters. I got angry. It is only hyung. No one can. Thankfully it is weekend.

The sudden knock scared me.I got all the letters and hid under bed.

"jungkook why the door is locked?"

I opened the door finding JIN in oversized hoodie.

"i-I was changing."

he glanced up and down.

"but you are still-"

I glanced down.

"i was about to.I am going to workout."

"can I join you?"

he asked sucking lollipop .

"yeah sure. "

"yes I always wanted to see  you working out. I'll make your shake and will be In your gym okay?"

and with that he ran to kitchen.

'who can think of hurting this innocent?'

I mumbled to my self.

"why are you still here, go change quickly."

JIN voice made me come to reality. I quickly changed and went to GYM. He was sitting on small sofa. While still sucking the lollipop.

I smiled to him. And started working out.
I work out for 1 hour or I don't know.
I did work out on each equipment. And last was pushup. JIN was seen tired.

"when are you going to done?"

"why you are bored?"

he pouted. I sat for a few minutes to talk to him.

"how can you work out for that loooong? "

he whined making me laugh.

"because it will make me fit."

"how much weight you can lift?"

"i can lift you up easily."

I stood up to do pushups.

"oh really?"


my attention was on doing work out

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my attention was on doing work out. Didn't notice JIN was on me. I fell on mat.

"told you.liar. You can't lift me."

LOVE is not OVER -Tae.. JINOOKWhere stories live. Discover now