5.8 ✔️

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"son he is here. When I came he was here. He will come back. "

"dad he won't. dad he know that. He. Please. She said the words he is not. Dad say her to go. Dad I want her to go"

Jungkook was pleading to his dad.

"son please calm down. "


"son... "

j-hope had tear in his eyes. Jungkook never acted like that. He was always so polite and silent. Pleading with his hands clenched.

"dad please tell him. Dad please you know that I love him right? Dad tell me"

"yes son I know you love him."

"dad call him.. dad he doesn't believe me. He hate me he will not come to me. He doesn't want me. He will go. Dad please"

"son why will he do that.?"

"cus he know he is my brother! . He hate me. Dad you will tell him right? "

"i'll do son please calm down"

"how can I dad? Dad I love him. I'll die if I didn't saw him. Dad please get him."


his mother came toward him to comfort him. But Jungkook push him. And turned to his father.

"dad please I-he-m-"


all paniched at how Jungkook lost his senses and fell on bed giving everyone panic.
Meanwhile Jin was outside the room listening all . he wanted to go but couldn't find strength
"i don't hate you . I am hurt . I am hurt. "

When he heard his mother screamed he ran inside and clicked the emergency button.he held Jungkook body in his arms.

"it's cold. It's cold. B-bring the heater here."

Jin yelled but no one couldn't acted. He ran toward the heater. He took the table near Jungkook body and placed heater on it. He went on the bed. Shocked his father shoulder to make him come back to senses.

"sir bring those blankets here quick we have to make him warm.".

jhope nodded and rushed toward the sofa to take all. Jin hugged jugkook tightly pressing his whole body with him.

Mss.jhope was froze looking at how everything was happening. Jhope tugged them in blanket. As Jin placed Jungkook face on his chest.
In no time doctor came with nurse. But Jin didn't let go him.

"keep hugging him. He need it. "

Jin didn't took his eyes from Jungkook. He keep kissing his head.

"he fainted because of stress I'll instruct some IV. Nothing to worry he will wake up soon"

he smiled at Jin and nodded at jhope. Instructing nurse something.

After some minutes the same nurse enter the room with equipment. Jin held Jungkook possessively close to him. He slowly took his hand out while siting on hospital bed.

"slowly please"

he requested the nurse completly forgetting two other are in room. He held his hand with both hands. The same middle aged women came and rushed toward Jin.

"w-what happened he was suppose to wake up today?"

"he he fainted"

that's all Jin could utter before Kai ran in and hugged Jin.

"he will be okay. U heard doctor right? You saved him you can save him again. "

Kai wiped Jin tears as he went toward Jungkook side.

"hey man.why you sleeping? Don't you know your love is giving me so hard time. I can't bear him. Wake up dude. He is such a pain-"

Jin broke in smile while tears in his eyes.

"come Jin eat or I'll tell him you didn't eat anything in these days."

"not now please until IV finished. I wanna hear his voice then I'll go away from him."

Jin voice cracked and Kai could sense the pain but Jin was not looking at him he was looking at other direction. Kai followed the direction.

"who are-"

"Jungkook parents."

"oh hello sir .mam"

Kai bowed to both.



His mother nodded but jhope hugged him thanking him for the help.

"it's nothing sir. He is my friend too. "

They talked a little until Jin called nurse to remove IV. Kai helped Jin to get off the bed. His mother was still glaring at him. Kai noticed too and took Jin out as Jin was on verge of breaking down. Kai made him eat without discussing anything.in case Jin stop eating again.

"Jin this too. This juice too. "

he saw Jin froze when he offered him juice. Jin suddenly stood up and ran toward the hospital room the moment he saw Jungkook he started crying. He sat on bed holding Jungkook hand.

"j-Jungkook wake up. Please he offered me juice. I don't wanna. You know that right?"

Kai was confused he glanced in the room his parents was not there. He walked to Jin and took him to sofa. He hugged him as he comforted. Jin was so tired in these 2 days .. he slowly drifted to sleep. Kai made him comfortable on sofa as he went out just to find his parents arguing.

To be continued.....

LOVE is not OVER -Tae.. JINOOKWhere stories live. Discover now