6.8 ✔️

903 60 13

Jungkook pov:

To the thing I was angry was understatement, I wanted to kill someone. The word Jin uttered


made me fill up that why I agreed? There must be some game of someone.I hugged him and took him in leaving room. Jimin walked beside me. I sat on sofa with him I felt him shiver in my hold.

“jimin take him in.” 

“ n-no don’t go away now.p-please”

I patted his head. I let him stay there until I felt some presence behind me. I turned and saw dad standing near me. He patted my shoulder I really owe him an explanation. I glared at the person I hate the most in my whole life.

I glanced at jimin who nodded I broke the hug he whined and was about to cry when I held his hand. Jimin instantly sat beside Jin and held his hand. He looked at me like he want me to go to him.

“how dare you come here? Do u have enough courage?”

  I held his collar and was about to punch but he spoke that made me froze.

“think before you act. If I get even a scratch Jin will be in danger”

he spoke like he is mocking me.


he took out a paper it was some legal notice that jeon taehyung have his life in danger and if anything happened to him Jin will be responsible. I stared at it for a while as I tried to figure out what it was.

“so you know my bunny? You have to comeback to me and leave him if you want him safe.”

I held his collar and pushed him against wall. Making him widen his eyes.

“do you fuck think a single mere paper can make me stay away from the person I love more than my own life?”

I held his neck hard.

“i’ll kill you and submit myself in. No one can lay and go closer my Jin”

I had blood in my eyes I can kill him that instant.


I felt a hand on my arm. That hand pulled my hand away from his grip on neck. Jin was trembling hard with tears in his eyes. Holding my arms. I held him In my arms up and took him inside the room I was staying. I placed him down on bed and sat too.

I took his shoes off and pushed my away too. I ran to close the door making sure it was locked. My Jin want me I ran and hugged him tight. He came on my lap hugging me tight. He was not crying just trembling hard.

“you can’t k-kill .o-okay?”

he asked me leaning up. I held his cheek before kissing it.

“if it is for you I can”

he shocked his hand voilently before taking my head in his trembling hands.

“you won’t hurt anyone. If you d-did I- I I’ll kill myself.”


“y-you know I can do that. We can get t-through it.p-please j-just don’t go away from me again. The moment you go away I won’t s-survive.”

after this he started crying out loud. I hugged him.

“baby love. No. No one can take me from you,. no one okay?”

he nodded against my chest. I took his head up and pull him close. His face full of tears. I wiped it away before kissing it lightly all over the face then at lips.

He held my shirt tightly after some minutes he started kissing me back like the way I was.
I let him take control as he started kissing me aggressively.

I let him he went down my jaw then at my shirt I opened all the buttons. He kissed me all over before coming up kissing me. When he let it out all. I placed him on my bare chest and laid on bed. It was all set look like jimin set it.

I took my hand inside his shirt  I slid my hand up and down. . I kissed his shoulder blade then neck. I pulled him on top of me. He laid as I rubbed his back until I felt his soft breath against my chest.

‘he really called his death.’

“my love. My Jin. Don’t cry. It make my heart stop. It hurt.”

I turned to place him on bed hugging him tight. I covered us both and let him rest.


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“i told you to stop”

”what? ”

I stood up walking toward mom.

“you didn’t saw how I was tied? You didn’t saw how bad my own bunny beat me up because of him. That fucking slut!”

a slap landed on my cheeks I turned to see who it was. It was not dad. It was mom this time. I was shocked first by my bunny and now mom. The one who never said anything after me. Have slapped me?


she came near me, and slapped again and again until I grabbed her hand.

“i wish I did it for the first time I came to know what you did in high school? I wish I did that time!”

she was crying. Dad came to hug her. Jimin gave me expressionless face like he wanted that too.

“you can’t stop me! No one!”

I ran outside after taking my cellphone.

To be continued

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