18 | Screaming Always Works

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"Are you okay?" Anna asks, concerned.

"Yeah, it's just scary to see them like that," I lie, and quickly head out of this place. She follows me, and we find Adrian and Blake already down here. I shoot an angry look at Adrian, and he doesn't seem to understand why I'm doing that.

"Well... me and Blake are off. See you two later," Anna informs us, and heads out, with Blake behind her. They better fall asleep.

"So, now... I see you've seen the dungeons..." Adrians starts.

"How did you find out about them?" I ask, furiously.

"Well... after that night when I saved you, I knew you had met before. So I decided to do a little more investigating, and then I found out about all of them. They hurt you, so I hurt them. Let me just make this part clear. No one hurts you."

"I... don't know what to say. But what I do know is that it's wrong for you to hurt others because they've hurt you. That's what my dad was living by. My mom hurt him by leaving him so he took out all his anger on me. That doesn't mean I hurt him back."

"I don't care. They hurt you, so I hurt them. End of story. Let's go upstairs and go to sleep," He tells me coldly. I don't like his logic one bit.

"Fine," I reply.

I storm over to my bedroom and slam the door behind me. I swear I heard some moaning noises coming from Blake's room.

In ten minutes or so, I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Who is it?" I ask, startled.

"Um... Adrian."

"Oh. Come in," I tell him.

"I can't sleep... Blake and Anna are making too much noise," He complains.

"True that."

"Since... again, we both can't sleep, can we watch TV? Really loudly. So we can bug them?"

I let out a small laugh. "Sure," I say and switch on the TV, turning up the volume to fifty.


I wake up in a cold sweat and I try to shake away the nightmare. I can't believe I fell asleep.

I see Adrian sleeping next to me, and notice that my arms are wrapped around him. I quickly take it away, and switch off the still blaring TV. I look out the window, and see that the sun is almost up.

I leave Adrian to sleep, and head over to the balcony.

The morning's misty cool breeze blows through my messy hair, and stings my eyes. But I just stare at the horizon, observing the sun's journey across the sky. That is until loud screaming startles me.


I rush out of the balcony, and try to stop Anna from waking up the entire world.

"Since when do you cook?"


"Stop yelling!" I hiss.


I roll my eyes. At this point Blake just woke up and somewhat looks traumatized and Adrian just rushed out like there's a fire.


"Blake, would you mind shopping for us?" She asks, somewhat seductively, batting her eyelashes at him, in the most fake manner I've ever seen.

"Uh... sure..." He says, and even on his dark skin, I can see a blush forming.

"Good," She says. "I'll send you a list."

"Great!" He remarks and goes to the room to freshen up.

"The rest of you!" She yells.

"Yes Ma'am!" Adrian says, and I look at him in a weird way.

"Don't pay attention to him. The rest of you must brush your teeth, and hair and be here IN TEN MINUTES!" She screams out the last part. Adrian scrambles into his room.

Damn, imagine being that scared of Anna. She's really traumatized him. I head over into my bathroom to brush my teeth.

In ten minutes, everyone is in the dining room, and Blake just went shopping. "Someone wasted all the pancake batter," She looks pointedly at Adrian.

"What? I asked Bailey to make them for me, and she did. I'm hungry okay?"

She squints her eyes at him. "I'm sorry, please don't hurt me," He whimpers curling up into a ball. Now I really want to know what Anna did to him. Her phone starts ringing.

"Excuse me," She picks it up. "Yes babe?.... No, flour isn't the same as sugar... that's because you're looking in the wrong section honey... stop screaming...."

"You're scared?... of the store clerk?... Who's an old lady that keeps her eyes on you?... You want a lollipop but she won't let you have one?.... Salt and Sugar look the same?... You need your blankie?... And teddy bear?...I should stop repeating everything you say?"

"No, the speaker isn't on.... Oh... oh my... you seriously need help then...." She hangs up. "Blake needs my help. That poor thing is going through hell in there. I'm coming my love," She states dramatically, and grabs a car key and heads out the door.

"Blake was never good at shopping anyway," Adrian shrugs. "I'm going to the gym, wanna come?"

"There's no way I can work out with you," I scoff.

"You don't have to. Just watch me," He winks.

"Fine," I grumble as he heads over to a glass door room with heavy gym equipment in it. Adrian removes his shirt, which exposes his rock hard muscles and detailed tattoos.

I can't help but stare. He walks back over to me, and lifts up my chin. "Don't look down there, it doesn't suit you."

"What do you mean..."

"You don't seem like the type of person that'd be totally head over heels for me, when I take off my shirt, unlike most girls."

"You got that right," I laugh. Instead of moving away, his fingers still lift up my chin, and he doesn't seem like he's going to withdraw this time.

"And that's what makes me like you," He whispers, as his lips close in on mine.


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