12 | What Happens Next

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Anna was very understanding about my story. She even cried alongside me, which she didn't have to. I've never been shown so much kindness, and I don't know how to react to it.

"Let's go back," She says, so gently as if she thinks that a small breeze could send me in a spiral. "And if your dad's in there, then let him be. We won't let him touch you. Especially when Adrian and Blake are there."

Her words are strangely reassuring. I don't trust Adrian, or Blake much, but I know that they won't let anything hurt me.

I nod, and get off the bench we were sitting on and head over to the entrance of the restaurant. Anna opens the door for me in a way that almost feels like she's trying to protect me. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's that's what it is.

"Good lord, where were you guys?" Blake whines. "Oh and by the way, I ate some of your food, Anna."

Anna rolls her eyes and shakes her head disappointedly. "I kind of knew he would," Anna tells me, chuckling.

"Were you crying?" Blake asks, when he notices my puffy face, which is still sort of wet with tears, and so is my shirt. I slightly shake my head, but he doesn't seem confused. Good thing Adrian isn't here. The intensity in his green eyes, and how observant he is, scares me.

"So... who wants ice cream?" Anna asks, changing the subject.

"Yes please!" Blake says excitedly, and a smile tugs at my lips. I've never tasted ice-cream before. Sure, I've served ice cream to the customers at my restaurant. I've served all sorts of deserts, and I know so many types, but the treat has never reached my mouth.

"I don't know..." I mumble.

"Don't worry, Ice cream is delicious!" Anna tells me, as she calls over a waitress and orders a chocolate for herself.

"Cookies and Cream," Blake tells the waitress. The waitress turns to me, waiting for me to order.

"Um... I'll try... Butterscotch," I tell her, and she nods.

"Oh, and also, a Strawberry for Adrian," Blake adds in the end. "I still can't believe the guy likes Strawberry. But then again, there's a lot of things weird about him."

"Weird about me?" Adrian asks. He's back from wherever he was, and he looks at Blake inquisitively.

"Weird... as in... unique and special," Blake fixes. Adrian laughs dryly and whispers something in Blake's ear.

"Now?! But the ice cream!"

"Yes now!"

"Y'all can go where you need, I'll save you the ice cream," Anna tells Blake.

"But it'll melt!" He cries dramatically. "I'll die I tell you! Die!" What's so amazing about ice cream anyway?

"You all have to come too. Or else you'll be stuck walking home for hours," Adrian says, while Blake was having his own temper tantrum on not getting to eat ice cream. "We have ice cream at home!" He yells at Blake.

"Fine," Blake grumbles.

"There's no way I'm walking anywhere," Anna declares.

"Where are we going?" I ask, almost a whisper.

"On one of Adrian and Blake's little gang things," Anna informs me as if it's nothing. My eyes widen in terror at the thought of going anywhere dangerous.

"It's not little," Adrian corrects. "Let's go."

They head out and I follow them towards the parking lot, but a hand covers my mouth, and yanks me backwards, leaving me no chance to scream.

I turn my head, to see who it is, and my eyes land on the person I dread to see.

My dad.

I bite his hand, so he lets go. "Let me go!" I fight, trying to pull myself away.

"Where the hell were you all these days?! I had to do all the chores myself!" He snarls. Just as I thought. He wasn't worried. He just needed me to be the servant. He throws me into the back seat of the car, and speeds away.

"Let me out!" I protest, trying to open the car door, but he wouldn't unlock it. "Please! Let me out!" I bang on the door. I try kicking it, pushing it, prying it open.

"Stop damaging my car, bitch!" He yells, as he parks the car, and pulls me out by my hair. The burning feel rises on my scalp, and I have no choice but to follow him. When we're secure inside, and no witnesses in sight, he turns to me, his eyes wild with rage.

He throws a punch my way, and hits me right in the face. The power of the blow steals a few breaths away from me.

"You think you can just be the slut you are and run off with some random guys?!" He bellows, livid with rage. Surprisingly not a single tear escapes my eye. He pushes me into the edge of a wall, which makes my fall to the ground.

But I don't say a word. I don't even wince.

For some reason, I don't feel anything. My lack of reaction sends my father in a spiral of rage.

"Shirt off."

"What?" I ask in disbelief. As evil, cruel and twisted as he may be, he's never asked me to do anything of the sort.

"Shirt. Off."

"No," I reply firmly, but that doesn't sit well with him. He punches me in the stomach again, which leaves me on the ground, moaning in pain. It's as if his punch knocked away all my strength, because he slips off my shirt with ease.

What happens next is beyond what I've ever imagined or been through.


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Me: uhh...... plot?

You: *jumps into book to save Bailey*


Me: *whistles and looks away*

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