27 | I Want Him Back

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I didn't even have to see, all I had to do was listen. The confident stride, the click clack of her high heel boots, and most importantly, the anger. It was like a storm was approaching.

"Adrian!" She bellows, grabbing him by the collar, furiously. "What the hell happened to him? How could you let him get hurt?!" She barks. "Is he okay?"

"We... we don't know yet," Adrian replies with his head lowered.

"Some best friend you are," She stabs, her eyes blazing with anger. He winces at her words, but doesn't say anything. Maybe because he feels like he deserves it.

He doesn't. It was me. I was hiding, and I should have stayed there. For once, I felt bold and fucked up. Like that night I felt bold and opened the door. If I had stayed hidden, Adrian could have aided Blake in the gunfight. But Adrian came to me, since I had gotten myself into trouble again.

Trouble and me have a close connection, and somehow Adrian happens to come along to seperate us.

Anna is pacing around, on the verge of tears, but she's keeping herself intact.

We're not in an actual hospital. Adrian's mansion has its own hospital, and we got a few experts here. Adrian obviously threatened them into not saying anything to anyone else.

Currently, they're taking a bullet... or a few out of Blake. I tap my feet impatiently as I chew off my nails. Adrian takes his hand in mine. gripping it tightly.

I see you've replaced Ava, he had said. "Who's Ava?" I ask Adrian, loosening my hand from his grip. "Last year's new?"

"Bailey... I-"

"No, no excuses. You're keeping me in the dark, as if I'll suddenly hate you if you tell me everything you're hiding. I want to know."

"I... I'm sorry Bailey. I can't tell you. It's not you," He tucks a stray hair behind my ear. "It's me."

"Stop with the dumb excuses," I growl, backing away. "I need to know," My lips are quivering with anger. Probably the first time I got angry with him.

He sighs a sigh of defeat. "I'll tell you. Once we find out what happened with Blake."

"Okay," I nod, walking towards Anna.

"Is Blake okay?" She asks, her eyes glinting with tears. "I need him to be okay."

"He's going to be," I whisper, gently. She hugs me. "I know he is."

"I know I don't admit it much... but I love him, and if he doesn't wake up... I don't know what I'll do," Her voice seems strained and choked up. I notice a tear roll down her smooth skin, bringing down some eyeliner with her. It's the second time I've seen her eye, in the time I've known her.

"It's okay... I know he'll be okay." I don't know what else to say. For someone who's been through so much, I don't know what to say in a situation like this. Because quite honestly I've never been in one.

Usually, my days were filled with hatred, anger and violence. But now, I see the love in her eyes, the sadness in Adrian's, and a breaking atmosphere. One blow and it will fall to the ground, breaking everyone in it.

Two hours into the night, and finally the doctor approaches us. He looks like he's going to cause an earthquake by the amount he's shaking in front of Adrian.

"We won't hurt you," I state, my voice calm and reassuring.

"We won't hurt you... as long as Blake is okay," Anna corrects, her voice firm, and assertive.

"We will hurt you," Adrian says, his voice angry and fearless. Both Anna and I look at him, shooting daggers with our eyes.

"I mean... we'll treat you like a rose, just tell us."

The doctor clears his throat. "Good news, he's alive. Bad news. He might die."

I notice Anna's face drop, and Adrian grab the doctor's collars. "What do you mean he might die?!" He growls. "You're the best in your field aren't you?"

The doctor lets out a tiny squeak. "Adrian, let go," Anna yells. He does. Then she struts up to the doctor, squaring him up. "Listen here, you. I want Blake up and talking to me before the end of the month. Is that clear? Do what you have to do. I don't care if you replace his heart with mine, I want him alive and living a full life."

Once Anna's done, the doctor looks at me, almost expecting another demand from my side. "They said it all," I shrug. "He's important to us. He has to live."

"The bullets pierced through important organs, we'll do the best we can. But his survival chances are low... maybe thirty percent."

Anna's eyes lose hope, and she almost staggers back but then she hardens her eyes, closing off all emotions. "You," She points at him. "You and that team aren't leaving this place until he's better. If he's not better, you're not leaving just this mansion. You'll be leaving earth as a whole."

The doctor nods weakly. "I understand."

"You better. When are you going to start the surgery?"


"Let me just make this clear. If he dies, you die with him."

Once the doctor leaves, Anna's guard crumbles and she breaks into a sob. "Thirty percent is a small number... I want my baby with me."

"I know..." I pull her into a hug. "He loves you more, and he'll fight death with nothing but fists for you. And win."

"He's going to win. He better win," She says, but mostly to herself. "He'll come back."

I look around for Adrian, but I don't see him anywhere. Where did he go? 


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okay, this chapter was really sad to write, because i wanted to show Anna's love for Blake, but also mix it in with Adrian and Bailey's strong concern for him. because... Adrian is his BFF, while Bailey owes Blake her life. 

and then I also wanted to show you Anna's dangerous side as well. and then obviously leave with a cliffhanger... sorta. 

and then i also cried during this... soo yeah. 

make sure you leave comments! they make me real happy! <3 

love you!

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