16 | My Mind Is Set On It

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Adrian has started to spend a lot of time with me lately. He brings me food when I tell him I don't want to eat. He lets me watch whatever I want and watches with me.

We even started to eat strawberry ice cream together in the balcony a lot. I've even started to gain more weight.

My back is nearly healed, which means that I can take longer showers.

Right now, I can't sleep. I can't ever sleep, so I'm always up during the night, looking at the stars, and connecting them or in the balcony, swinging.

"Can't sleep either?" Adrian's voice sounds from the end of the hallway.

I let out a dry laugh. "I rarely sleep."

"Why not?"

I want to tell him that it's the vivid nightmares that I get if I do fall asleep. The nightmares that I never want to see. But instead I say, "I don't know."

"Since we're both up... what do you want to do?" He asks. His hair is dishevelled and he looks almost as if he was caught off guard.

"I don't know."

He steps closer to me, with only inches between us. "You're so different," He breathes. It's almost as if he just brushed his teeth because the minty scent trickles down from his lips.

The close proximity between us sends my stomach lurching in all directions. "What?" I ask.

"I've never met someone like you. So hurt, yet so strong," He almost looks like he's in a trance. I feel my face heat up, as I look into his forest green eyes. They look so soft and delicate. I feel very drawn to them, and it's something I've never felt before.

"I'm not strong..." I tell him, as my thoughts traill off to the night the four guys came to my house. If I am strong, then why did I feel so weak then?

"Strength isn't about your body. If that was so, then no one in this world would be strong. It's about your heart, and your heart is solid gold."

My eyes widen at his words, as if his sentence was rain and I was the wilted flower.

"I...," I'm at a loss for words.

"Let's go to the beach," He says with finality, taking my hand, which surprised me. He's never laid a finger on me before, but for some reason, I don't pull my hand away. Instead I let him take it and we go to the beach.


I'm sitting on the sand with my legs out but crossed on top of each other. Adrian is seated next to me, and we both stare at the moon as it gracefully moves across the sky, being covered in clouds momentarily before it's beautiful shine returns.

We don't say anything to each other, but his hands are still in mine. Not in control of my own mind, I move a little closer to him, and hold his hand a little tighter.

Maybe it's my heart trying to cling on to one of the few rare people that show me some kindness. Or maybe it's because he's naturally like that. Drawing people to him like it's nobody's business.

Noticing my move, he puts his arm around my shoulders, making sure not to touch my cuts. I snuggle in closer, and my head rests on his chest. A warm feeling fills me up as I look up at his face.

He's still looking at the moon, but I feel like I'm looking at the moon too.

I don't know why, but Adrian attracts me like no other. He's gentle towards me, but acts all tough in front of others. He treats me like someone so broken that another blow would send tumbling to the bottom.

"You're different," I start. "Something I've never seen before."

"You too, and that's what makes you worth everything," He replies softly, as his fingers graze my chin. He looks at me giving a sad look, which makes me wonder what he's thinking. "We should go back," He says all of a sudden.

"Now?" I ask, somewhat disappointed.

"It's getting cold," He tells me as he lets go of my hand and starts walking home.


I don't deserve her.

After how bad I messed up with Ava, I don't deserve love ever again. I felt rude to leave her like that, but the more time I spend with her, the more I feel like I want her. And I can't have her.

Bailey doesn't deserve someone like me. She deserves so much better. I turn back and see that she's still sitting there, looking at me with a confused and disappointed expression.

As compelled as I am to turn back, and sit with her at the beach till dawn, the most we can be is friends.

And my mind is set on it.


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ADRIAN *waves like a lunatic* IF YOU DON'T WANT BAILEY THEN TAKE ME! *earns a glare from bailey*

I mean..... it's okay... I'm taken anyway *knows deep inside that I'm not and never will be*

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