21 | A Date-Date? Or A Date?

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"So, let me get this straight," Blake starts as I'm pacing around my bedroom while he's chilling on my bed. "You want to take Bailey on a date. Ask her to be your girlfriend, and then what?"

"Isn't this the part where you play your 'best friend' role and tell me I got this?" I run a shaky hand through my hair.

"That's the 'friend' role buddy. As your best friend, I have to say this," He clears his throat. "Don't fuck up like you always do. Also, eat a breath mint, you stink. Don't smoke around her, because you'll stink more then."

I roll my eyes. "Anything else?"

"Nah. No wait, is this a formal date, or are taking her to Chuck E Cheese?"

I blink, not knowing how a Chuck E Cheese date would work. "Uh... I was planning on taking her on a ride in one of my amazing cars, and then we'll park somewhere romantic and I'll ask her out."

He raises an eyebrow. "How long is this going to take?"

"Five hours maybe?"

"Okay, so lemme get this straight. Y'all wanna drive around aimlessly and then that's somehow supposed to impress her, and then she'll say yes? What about the food? You know, when I asked Anna out, I took her to a two hour movie, bought her all the food she could dream of, and then took her to a trampoline park where I asked her out mid-air."

I stare at him, somewhat speechless. Maybe I should replan? He's right, what's a date without food? Clearly I overlooked some stuff. Change of plans, I'm taking her to a movie, and then I'll buy her food and then we'll go to a trampoline park where I'll ask her out.

Is Bailey really that type though? Why is fixing a perfect date so hard? Should I take her on a boat ride and ask her mid ocean, like Blake did but in mid air?

Boat ride it is! I'll go get my yacht ready. "Yo, bestie," Blake calls. "Pass me the brownies."

I groan, and hand him the pack of brownies on my snack shelf. I don't even know why I have it, I love strawberry. "And bestie!" He calls after me again.

"Stop calling me that! And what?" I seethe, turning towards him.

"Good luck."

"Oh, wow, thank-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"To Bailey."

I throw my phone charger at him, and soon we're chucking it back and forth while calling each other weird names and insults.

"You're bad at drawing."

"Oh yeah? Well I hate strawberries."

I gasp. "Take that back!" I yell, dramatically falling onto the ground.

"Drama queen."

"King," I corrected, still lying on the ground. Call me dramatic, but seriously? How could he not like strawberry? It's like him saying he doesn't like to breathe. "Whatever, now I need your help calling the yacht person or whatever."

"You're taking her on a yacht? Damn, why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you're not as smart as me. Now can you read his number for me?" I ask. It's quite embarrassing to be asking someone to read something as simple as a phone number to you.

But I need this done as fast as possible, and my trying to read those numbers will take as long as ten minutes.

"Sure," He says, and starts typing in the numbers for me. Once he's done, I name his contact with a boat and driver emoji. Emojis are so much faster to grasp. I call him, and set a time for 6 in the evening today. It's so much more romantic when you're watching the sunset.

I leave my room, and head towards the kitchen for some strawberries. I notice Bailey in the kitchen too, but to my pleasant surprise she's eating something. Without my forcing her to.

Well, more like begging but you get the idea.

"Hey," I smile, a grin plastered onto my face. She looks up, like I just caught her stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. But the cookie jar has been claimed by Anna, and she doesn't let anyone near it.

Bailey is eating an apple.

So health conscious, I think to myself as I grab a strawberry and pop it in my mouth. Delicious. "Hey," She replies, swallowing the food in her mouth.

I fidget with sweatshirt lace, thinking about how I'm going to ask her. It's Blake who's the romantic one, not me.

"Uh... I was wondering if you would want to... uh... go on a date?"

She looks at me, eyes wide. "Like a date?"

"Yeah a date."

"So a date?"

"Yes, a date."

"Is it like a date date?

"I don't know, don't we just say date?"

"I mean there are several types of dates, so like did you mean a date-date?"

"Is a date-date like a date? Or like something else?"

"I just mean a date-date?"

"What's a date-date?"

"A date-date."

"I'm confused. What's a date-date?"

"Like an official date-date."

"But how do I know if it's an official date-date?"

"I just lost twenty brain cells," I hear someone that's not Bailey, say. I turn around and notice Anna with a cookie in her hand. "He means a romantic date," She says, looking at Bailey.

Bailey blushes. It's one of the first times I've ever seen her blush. Maybe because I don't do anything blush worthy.

Darn it, Adrian. Way to get the girl.

"So, Bailey. Is that a yes?"

"Uh... yeah. I mean, yes. My answer is yes," She replies, giving me a genuine smile. She doesn't do that a lot. I've only seen her smile twice I guess. Or was it once? Honestly, I don't know.

"The way you two talk is so confusing. The only other time I've felt like this was when Blake and I were lost in New York and he lost his contacts so I had to read the subway maps. Those things look like the veins in my teachers legs!"

I stare at her, not knowing what to say.

"Uh... I'm sorry that happened to you Anna..." Bailey says unsurely. Anna just shrugs and walks away. Talk about being unpredictable. Bailey takes another apple from the basket, and starts munching on it.

"I've never seen you eat more than one apple," I notice. She shrugs.

"Been feeling hungry."

"That's good. Um... can we please bake a cake before the date?" I ask, trying to give her puppy eyes. The thing is, it's kind of hard because I have this... tough look.

She looks at me, studying me for a while. "Fine." She mutters something under her breath about my obsession with cake. And somehow, I find that cute. What is wrong with me?

Love, child. Love.

Who said that? Wait nevermind that was me.


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WHATTTT? A NEW CHAPTER? YESSIR! I wanted this chapter to revolve more around Blake and Adrian's friendship.

Also, starting thinking of baby names. jk jk bailey and adrian are not having a baby anytime soon, but like's just start thinking of one.

if it's a boy -->

if it's a girl -->

if they're twins -->

what is wrong with me?

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