29 | A Gun To My Head

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WARNING: some level of violence, and mature-ish content. not really, i never write anything that's actually SHOWING hardcore sex, but it's shadowed, so read at your own will.  


I wait for him to tell me that he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. I wait for him to just get up and leave. Like my dad... but at least Adrian didn't hurt me yet.

"Do you trust me?" He asks, taking me by surprise.


"Do you trust me?" He asks again. "Bailey, do you trust me?"

I know what he was getting at. He wanted to know if I thought he was going to hurt me. I haven't asked myself that question. Well... I have, but I never thought about it as deeply before.

"I..." I trail off.

"You do know that you're nothing more than a toy right?"

It was five in the morning. Five hours ago, I had never thought that things could go this wrong in my life. "People like you are just toys for others to play with."

I feel my entire body shaking, ready to cave in any second. But my hope is strong, and my will to live is stronger. I might be all alone, and it might be survival of the fittest. It might be every person for themselves, and it might be a selfish world.

But there's room for me. And I don't need anyone but myself.

One of them grabs my hair, forcing me onto my feet. "You're father's a lucky man. Having a pretty daughter like you. We might even let him take more money from us."

At this point, I don't have anything left to scream. I've done my screaming, my fighting, my yelling and crying. I even landed a few scratch marks on them, but it wasn't worth it.

They're too strong. I'm too weak.

"When can we come back?" The brunette asks, a dark smile on his face. "Are we invited again? Open the door like that again for us. It was cute."

"If you don't, we'll break in," Another adds.

My eyes start to blur, as I shake my head at them. I don't know why I did that, because they just hurt me more. Once they're done, they slip back into their clothing, laughing sinisterly.

"Now be a good toy, and stay pretty the next time we arrive. If you can, make sure you're not wearing anything. It's a hassle undressing you."

"You were a good girl." 

A toy. If that's all I am, do I deserve to trust someone? "Adrian... you don't deserve someone like me. I'm not meant for this, I'm not used to this."

"Used to what?"

"All this... friendliness. The way you make sure I eat enough food, and the way Anna jokes around, making sure I have fun. And... and the way Blake makes sure that I'm happy. You guys are doing too much for me, and I'm not sure I want all of this. I'm used to my dad stumbling home, drunk beyond measure, chucking empty bottles at me. And if he's feeling generous, he'll just use a knife."

"I'm not used to someone asking me out. I've never had a hug until Anna hugged me. No one's given me a genuine smile until Blake, and no one's liked me as much as you. It's too good to be true."

"So you think we're faking it?"

"That's not what I said."

"You don't trust me."

"I don't trust my luck!" I yell.

"If you didn't have luck, you wouldn't have been alive right now. Blake wouldn't have been the one who spotted you. It would have been me, and I shoot at sight. If you didn't have luck, then those men would have shot you down. If you didn't have luck, then you wouldn't be here."

"Adrian... stop. Trust doesn't come easily to me, you need to understand that. You drink, you smoke, and you kill people. You break the law, and that's what everyone in my life ever does."

"I'm not like them," He frowns.

"It's not all you. It's me too. I've only known for a little more than a month, that's all."

"But... then why did you say yes to date me? Is it because you're scared of me?"

"I don't want to answer that."

"You're scared of me."

"You're trying to put words in my mouth," I reply, not willing to give in.

He pulls out a gun, and points it at my head. I scream, backing away from him. "I got my answer," He states, refusing to look at me as he walks out of the room.

Almost as if on cue, Anna walks in. She doesn't look too good, she looks like she's been crying for hours. A really long time. "Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Do I look okay?"

"No. Not at all."

"Blake's surgery starts in fifteen minutes. I want you there... Adrian sucks as being an emotional tissue."

"Of course I'll be there."

"Then let's go," She tells me. Her voice isn't all assertive and loud like usual. It's soft and full of pain. She drifts towards the door, holding it open for me. Adrian's already there, but I ignore him.

But I glance at his face for long enough to see that he looks immensely guilty. Good. Let him be. He deserves it anyway. I look away from him just before he catches me looking, and take a seat as far away as possible.

The doctor approaches, informing us that they'll be starting in a few minutes and that we shouldn't watch, because it will scar us for life or something.

I mean, not that none of us have seen blood before, but just for our emotional purposes, we decided to stay away.

"I'm sorry..." Adrian whispers. I look away, not paying any attention to him.

And right now, I'm focusing on Blake. Anna needs me, and Blake needs us.

Adrian... I can deal with it later. 


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bruh -_- 

adrian is being such a bitch right now, i can't. but i guess we all have our flaws... such a weird kid though. bad boys... i just don't understand. 

and guys i know this book is kinda sorta cliche, it's meant to be because i started writing this book for fun. i didn't know it would get so many reads. 

anyhooooo, thank you for reading! love you!

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