22 | I Got A Gift

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I didn't make him cake. Mostly because him and Blake went out to solve some issue with the docks and they're still not home.

"So what are you going to wear for you date-date?" Anna asks, while taking another cookie from the cookie jar. Correction, her cookie jar.

"A sweatshirt and jeans?" I offer, but she simply shakes her head.

"That is not the way to seduce a guy," She says, somewhat disappointed.

"I don't want to seduce a guy..." I frown, just thinking about the idea sent shivers down my spine.

"Well, at least look cute."

"Ariana Grande wears sweatshirts all the time," I point out.

"Wear shorts..." But then it dawns on her and she immediately looks guilty. "I mean, a sweatshirt and jeans are fine."

Adrian says we're leaving in an hour, and it's currently four at noon. Anna completely freaked out and started lecturing me about how to act on a date.

"You know, Blake was really bad at asking me out. But the trampoline park was amazing, and he bought me a lot of food so I said yes. After I said yes, I think he teared up because he lost his contacts... again and then I had to drive us home."
I chuckle at that. They're such an adorable couple. It takes a lot to trust someone enough to know that they will never leave you, and she has that trust in Blake.

I grab a brownie off the table, and pop it in my mouth. My apetite's been growing a lot lately, and I don't mind eating more than used to.
Thanks to Adrian who'd show up in my bedroom with a bunch of food, making me eat them.

My face heats up at the thought of him. Shaking them away, I turn back towards the TV. Anna's watching some random movie that I'm guessing is a romance. I zoned out after the first part.

But that's not really the point. I feel my eyes slowly getting heavy, and I try my best to stay awake.

Just a few minutes. And I close my eyes.


"You really thought you could run away? I bet he paid you to stay with him, and fulfill whatever needs he has," My dad spits, bitterly. I feel anger bubbling up inside of me, as I take the knife in his hand and point it at him.

"He's not like you."

"So now you're fighting back?" He laughs sinisterly. He pins my arms behind my back and grabs the knife from my hand. "Didn't I tell you to take your shirt off?"

"I won't," I growl.

He just sneers and shakes his head. He takes the knife out of my hand and slices through my shirt, and through my skin while he's at it. I howl in pain, trying to struggle free from his grasp. But it doesn't work.

He pins me to the ground with a sudden force and starts cutting through my back. I start screaming in pain, hoping someone, anyone would hear my calls. But even if they did, they wouldn't do anything.

It's how it's always been. When I was young, our neighbors. would try and help out, but my dad always ended up threatening them. Soon, they just stopped. They stopped listening to my screams. They silenced me.

I hear the camera snap, and he brings the photo in front of my teary eyes. Slut. Whore. Bitch.

Three clear words onto my back. I burst into hysteria. "I guess that's the final blow. That was supposed to break me? You're wrong, because no matter how hard you try, I'll win and you'll lose."

"You think I don't know that? I lost the day your mother left me for some random guy on the streets. Leaving me with a reminder." He looks at me with disgust. "You."

I feel my eyes starting to blur more and more until all I see in front of me is a big blob. I'm already blind without my glasses, but now I can't see anything.

"I guess I'll be leaving you... goodbye Bailey," He kicks my side. "It was nice being your father."

And that's when I hear the front door burst open. But I wasn't awake for long to see who it was.

I'm shaken awake and as I form the shape in front of me, I feel my heart racing. "Bailey, are you okay?"

It's Adrian. I sigh and close my eyes trying to get a control of my breathing. "I'm okay."

"Are you... um... still up for the date?"

I smile, although it's a little sad. "You mean our date-date?"

He chuckles. "Let's go," He takes my arm and pulls me off the couch I fell asleep on. "You need time to get ready?"

"I'll just brush my hair. Won't be long," I tell him as I head into my room. I take hold of the hairbrush and start brushing through my tangled blonde hair. I look at myself, trying to see if I look okay.

I mean, I look like I do everyday, only a little less... pale and dead. I quite honestly don't care what I look like. But. today I put in a little more care to look better than usual.

Once I'm done, I leave the room, closing the door behind it. Adrian looks pretty fancy in his navy blue blazer and black shirt. His hair is gelled back neatly and I hear Blake mumbling about how he didn't think of this for Anna's and his first date.

"Ready?" He asks, with a smile plastered on his face. I look at my own outfit which is a white sweatshirt matched with jeans. Not like his at all.

He notices my face drop, because he holds out a paper bag. "I bought you a little something." I reach over for the bag, and look inside. It's an outfit. A really cute outfit that also covers my arms and legs, not allowing my scars to be shown.

Before I know it, I wrap my arms around Adrian, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you!" I say, sinking my head into his chest. Or more like his stomach because he's so tall.

"I've never gotten a gift before."


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okay imma just die now. ttyl. adrian is just so cute. i cant.

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