Ch 02. #Shinhee - Sealing the deal

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I look at my parents who are amused. "Shinheeya what's going on? What was that?" asks eomma and pauses to look at appa because she's more scared than I am. She knows how obsessed I am with rapping but we always kept this a secret from appa.

"I couldn't see the video properly care to show me again" says appa. I grab my cellphone from my pocket and search the video and press play. My hands keep shaking. Appa grabs it from my hand watches it. I am expecting he will throw my cellphone and lecture me about how upset and disappointed he is. Eomma interrupts "Jjagiya she is just a kid, let it be, it's just her hobby, she's studying so well, we can give her a break right?” Appa looks at me and asks “So I want to go to Japan was for this?". I look at eomma. Eomma answers again for me "Jjagiya didn't you notice she is speaking Japanese so well!” I can't let eomma take a hit so I take a deep breath and say "Appa sorry and yes the answer for your question is yes" and bow before him apologetically. A typical Korean father would grab his kin’s ear scold and cry about his disappointment.

Instead Appa starts laughing making me lift my head up. He looks eomma and says "Remember I had told you once that this one takes after me". I am expecting him to throw the cellphone any minute now. "Shinheeya! Come sit with me" I sit beside him. He pats my head gently. He says "You remind me so much of me. I was just like you. And what was that an Eminem rap. You aced it honey" I am shocked by his reaction "Appa I am sorry I lied I thought you'd get hurt if I wanted to do something else than working towards the future you have setup for me, he sighs " Shinhee my daughter that's what parents do. I set it up for you but it was up to you to take it. If you had told me no appa I want to rap then I would have supported just the way I did for your decision to come here". My heart breaks looking at appa who is not upset cause I rap but is because I hid it. My eyes well up a little.

"Yobo I am sorry it was partly my fault for not telling you earlier" eomma says. "Alright I accept your apologies on judging me to be a hot headed tycoon". "Appa" "Yobo" eomma and I cry in unison. 

Appa laughs and holds up his hand to shake me "Lee Shinhee my one and only daughter do you seal the deal to become a top rapper and to always pour your heart towards your appa and never keep a secret from your old man"

Being in Japan I have watched animes and read mangas and now I know how the main protagonists feels when they get a thumbs up for their dreams.

I shake appa’s hand and say "Appa kamsahamnida I will make you and eomma proud one day and I swear no more secrets".

Appa hugs me and calls eomma for a group hug. We then continue our trip and go for other rides. I knew the entire time our loyal bodyguards kept an eye on us from far and I see them when we head back to hotel.


Lee Kwanghee's college diary (Shinhee's dad)

Dear K,

I am ready I can bury my dreams for Appa. I will henceforth concentrate on becoming someone that the society and my family can look up to. I will throw out all the stuff related to hip-hop or of my rapping. I will never say I want to become a rapper or rap ever. I will take care of Yuna. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me. This is the last time I'll be you.


Lee Kwanghee



Korean terms

Jjagiya and Yobo – Honey

Kamsamnida – Thank You

Japanes term

Manga – Comic book

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