Ch 11. #Shinhee - Hanging out with Akira

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I reach Ritz Carlton and have lunch with my brothers

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I reach Ritz Carlton and have lunch with my brothers. We share lot of stories that we missed not being together. 

"Oh Akira has sent me a text - See you all at my place, I have sent my car and will be awaiting your arrival. Classic him" says Oppa reads from his cellphone.

"Go get dressed Noona, your clothes are here, the hotel service is so good that it took few minutes to reach here" says Chung Hee. On my way I had texted them to arrange good clothes as I didn't pack any in the morning. 

Later, we go to the lobby to find a new lexus series with a chauffeur waiting for us. First time I go blank on how to react when I see Akira. All these times I ignored what Ichiko had to say. I make up my mind to make our relationship clear with him. I remember the first time I saw him in Seoul. It was one of those parties, he seemed like an arrogant punk. Not socialising with anyone, waiting to go back home after making an appearance.He seemed cold.

Oppa and Chung hee have their tradition of playing at least one prank on someone new. When they played a prank on him I expected that it would be the last party that both my brothers would attend. But Akira started laughing surprising everyone and became friends so quick with our gang. He was shy not cold due to this people misunderstood him. 

He used to stay at our house for a while during his visits with his parents to Seoul. Never once I felt he liked me in that way. Ugh I hope this doesn't change anything. Parties at Seoul would be so boring if not for my brothers and Akira.

We reach his house which is no less than a castle. His family is super rich like Minato. They keep one house reserved for their guest. 

"Oi oi Akira Kun!!! What's with all the formalities" exclaims Oppa while hugging him. "Well if not for Seouls royals I wouldn't even cancel my practice" replies Akira missing his football practice is a big thing for him he doesn't even miss them if he's down with fever.

"Hi Shinhee and Chung Hee ya, sorry I had to rush yesterday without proper greetings" he tells. "No need to apologize since you're making up for it today hyung" says Chung Hee. I stay mum till we reach his living room which is bigger than our school's cafeteria. More than one butlers keep moving around us in order to tend to our needs. Surprisingly I have never been to Akira's house like ever. I can't help but look around till I stop, there's a picture on the wall of Akari smiling, she looks innocent and mischievous just as Minato described her in the diary. I stand still.

"That' sister Akari, it's been 2 years since...uh...uh you know..." says Akira looking at me standing still till he gets interrupted by Oppa "We know, hey why don't you show us your trophies, we heard you won a lot of tournaments" he adds to change the topic, we knew how broken he was at her funeral. I turn towards them, I tell my tears to suck back up, not here.

"Oh I barely see him in school, he's always either practicing or in tournament, I wonder how you manage to stay at top in our class" I speak to him to avoid any awkwardness. "I am either studying or playing, it's no big deal, there's a guy I know from football tournament who is in a band and also takes dance lessons" he responds as we reach a room decorated with all of his trophies. He has so many of them - I wonder if I'll ever get one for rapping.

He slowly leads us to his home theatre room - we watch Hollywood action movies. He excuses himself to check for dinner. This is it - I excuse myself to go to the washroom. I feel lost once I go out of the theatre room, I try to figure which way he went. 

"Hey you need something?" asks Akira making me turn. "Uhm actually I was searching for you… Can we talk... like in private" he raises his brows a bit when I tell him to which he agrees and we go to one of the balconies which is filled with pink roses.

"Okay then, no one will be able to hear us here" he says initiating the conversation and smiling a little. 

"I was with Minato earlier today" I start and his smile changes to a blank expression. "I know about your feelings and I wanted to clear something between us...uhm.. Where to begin?" He bites his lips and replies before I could even say him the whole story. "Shinhee I know what you want to say and I know what you mean. I won’t lie and it’s true that I like you and I can sense that you like me as a friend. But can we keep it that way for now…. I am not ready to hear your answer" Well he sure is not taking no for now I wonder if he has never faced rejection and is being like this. "But Akira I want to focus on my dream that is to rap and I want us to stay friends…" I tell him. He nods in agreement.

"I know how much you love rapping and the thing is…. I have been selected as a finalist in London for foreign exchange program, one of the reason I was missing from class a lot and with it they're giving me a chance to learn more about football. I will be transferring to London to focus on football. I don’t know how to put this? But I do understand you, you dream of rapping and I dream of football. Once I am back from London ill come meet you – till then can you keep your answer to yourself, whatever your answer is, it will keep me distracted from the things I want to focus on now" he adds. Well if I achieve my dreams by then and don't meet someone maybe just maybe I will consider us, I think. "Hey congrats I hope you get into the national football team and yeah once you're back I will give you my answer then” I tell him “Now come on I don’t want to miss the ending“ and we go back to the movie theatre room.

After the movie and lovely dinner. We bid farewell to Akira and my brothers drop me to my dorm. I hug them really tight and cry a little.

"Ya few days after your midterms you’re going to join us to daegu trip! Don't cry and make your brothers proud by getting good grades" says oppa.

"Noona your flight tickets have been booked. You'll see us again" adds Chunghee. I nod and wave at them when they leave. Deep inside I know both of them were fighting their tears as well. It's been 2 years since I landed in Osaka breaking our trio. I miss them so much. 

I go back to my dorm and find Ichiko waiting for me. Well even if I miss my family I still have another family who takes care of me just as much, I smile sadly and hug her. "Hey you fine? I know it hurts when your family goes back" she pats my back. "Thanks you always know what say?" I tell her. "Clean up and sleep early - preparation for midterms starts tomorrow, you know right?" she says and dozes off to sleep. I sigh and go to washroom. I need to focus on getting good grades and rapping I tell myself. Later I doze off to sleep leaving a text to my brothers "I'll see you soon, send my love to eomma and Abeoji".

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