Chapter One

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Hey everyone! Here is the first chapter of The King, I hope you will love it. Don't forget to leave reviews and to share it so more people can read it. And a big thank again to my beta-reader because this wouldn't happen without her help.

Also if you're not from Instagram, take the time to check out my page about The Selection series. We have a lot of fun there, so feel free to give it a look! @softlyschreave

Happy reading! ♡


« When he kissed me, I felt my life settle into place. I had found everything I'd ever wanted—things I didn't even know I was looking for—here in Maxon's arms. And if I had him to guide me, to hold me, then I could take on the world.
It seemed too soon our kiss slowed, and Maxon pulled back to look into my eyes. I saw it in his face. I was home. And I finally found my voice.
« Yes. »

A sigh of relief escapes from between my lips, and a weight I did not know I was carrying offsets my shoulders. After months of hardship, bickering, misunderstandings, and unfulfilled hopes, luck finally smiles upon us. She said yes. Those three letters, forming this much-desired word. This word that I have wanted to see cross her lips since the day she came into my life. And yet, I still find it hard to believe.

"Will you marry me?"

She plunges her gaze into mine, a slow smile blossoming on her face.

"Say it. I want to hear you say it," I implored, brushing her cheekbone with my fingertips.

"Yes, Maxon Schreave. I am going to become your wife. I will be your queen, and I will never leave you again."

These promises resound like music to my ears and warm my already bruised heart. An immense joy invades every cell of my body. It is everywhere, in my head, in my heart, in my soul. It is an intoxicating, miraculous sensation that carries me away like a tsunami.

"I wish I could hold you close to my heart, make you twirl in my arms, and never let you go. Unfortunately..." I mumbled, showing my arm in a sling.

"Shhh," she said, climbing up on the bed.

She huddled beside me, taking care not to lay her head directly on the bandage covering my wound; taking her hand between mine, I asked her to face me. Catching the golden ring that glows in the light of the flames, I tenderly slide it to her left ring finger, and kiss her fingertips, revering her with all my soul. The sensation that overwhelms me at that moment is unspeakable; nothing can describe the strength of the feelings that awaken every part of my being. She sniffs softly, trying to stop her tears from flowing.

"I love you, Maxon. I will be yours forever."

"Just in the same way that my heart belongs to you forever. Take good care of it."

"I promise you," she whispers as her eyelids flutter to close gently.

Another wave of emotion overwhelms me as I caress her silky hair, which is reflected in the shadows. I do not want to close my eyes, knowing in advance the hideous images that will come to my mind. The cries of terror of the guests; Celeste suddenly collapsing with a bullet in the head; Kriss screaming to tear out his vocal cords; the searing pain of the projectile sinking into my flesh; my mother rushing to help my father in a vain attempt to save him; even worse, the terror I felt when I saw this rebel's gun pointed at America.

My breath is short, almost erratic, so real is the sensation. Losing her would be the end of me. I can hardly believe that only a few hours ago I was about to draw a veil over us, over our future. My gaze falls on her relaxed features, and the black panic that almost suffocates me dissipates somewhat. Pulling on the blankets to cover her, I notice the blood that stains the hem of her dress. My blood, the blood she was desperately trying to quench, terrified of losing me too. It was at that moment that I finally grasped the obvious; she loved me. I had always thought that actions were a thousand times better than words, and now I had the proof. And nothing mattered more than that at that moment.

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