Chapter 2: No Rest For The Wicked

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Clementine: "Hey. Whatcha drawing there, goofball? Can I see? You know I'm no good at this game, but I'll try to guess what it is. Just give me a second... I'll figure it out."

It's just a bunch of long lines with different colors, you stand up and sit next to Clem. The Blue jacket feels cozy with the new clothes.

Y/N: "Is it... Clementine?" AJ smiles and spits some saliva on the floor.

Clementine: "I knew that.." She responds, blushing slightly.

Clementine: "Come on. Can you say "Clem", AJ? Give it a try. "Clem." Clem waits for a reaction but he doesn't speak, "Not much of a talker, are you, goofball? Edith says you should be speaking by now, but... Don't worry about it. You'll talk when you're ready." She says, a strange noise is heard, like a metallic bang through your small room in the settlement.

Clementine: "That was weird."

Edith: "Open up! It's me." She pounds on the door, in fear or desperation you're not sure.

You get up quickly and open the door.

Y/N: "Edith? What's wrong?"

Edith: "The group from last week--they're back. And now they're armed. This is bad, There's a lot of them. Too many of them. I don't like the look of it."

Clementine: "Do you need my help?" She questions.

Y/N: "Clem! No."

Edith: "No, I need you to pack whatever you can. Be ready to run, just in case. They got a lot of cars and they're seriously pissed off. This is...gonna get ugly, I know it."

The Wellington residents start screaming, panic rises in your chest, why, why does this always happen to you two.

Edith: "Pack your stuff. When I get back, we gotta get the hell out."

Clementine: "Shit, shit, shit..."

Clem grabs her backpack. And you grab yours.

Clementine: "Bare essentials...come on."

You take everything you can, but make sure to put Kenny's hat in your bag...

A crashing noise is heard. Edith returns, she holds a small jacket, supposedly for AJ, you pick up AJ and she gently wraps it around him.

Edith: "They're inside! We have to go! Now!" She says after she finishes wrapping it around AJ.

You run through wellington, eventually reaching the empty front gate, the four of you hide behind it as the man on the otherside begins to spray his AK-47 into the panicking citizens.

Edith: "Just--head for--for the woods!"

Clementine: "Keep running!"

Edith is shot in her head, she falls to the ground behind you, you cast a final glance at her before you continue running.

Unknown Person: "I see someone! Near the trees! Fuckin' shoot 'em!"

You try to get out of the way as gunshots ring through the woods, you feel hot blood drip down your cheek as shot cuts through the edge of your right cheeks. You grip it with your left hand.

"Clem, take AJ.. shit." You hand AJ to her and continue to run away, you grab your cheek, a ripping pain flashes through your head again. Your vision blurs but you keep running.


Javier, You, Clem, and Tripp ride in a van down a deserted, cracked road.

Javier: "Hey, Y/N...we almost there? Hey, Y/N?" You put your right index finger on your right cheek, touching the wound, it doesn't hurt but you can still feel out the scar.

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