Chapter 4: Can't Breathe

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You put your left arm against your face, leaving only your eyes visible.

Y/N: "Clementine!" You search around the scene for Clem but only see a person about to get bitten, you take out your pistol and fire a shot into the walkers head. You don't take any time to check if they were bit. You HAVE to find Clem.

????: "Y/N!" You look around for the voice but don't see anyone in sight besides walkers and people running away towards the gate. "Y/N." A hand grabs you by your shoulder and pulls you into a car, your vision blurs but you can instantly tell it's Clem.

Tripp: "Drive Faster, Shitty Car!" The car skirts off towards the gate. Leaving the Prescott citizens to be eaten alive and Shot to death.

After a few minutes, Javi and tripp stop both of their cars. Everyone but Kate gets out of the cars.

Tripp: "Eleanor. Thank god."

Eleanor and Tripp hug.

Eleanor: "I can't believe it. All of our friends. All those people..." Eleanor looks toward conrad who sulks beside the road. "Oh, Conrad."

Y/N: "She deserved better. They all deserved better."

Conrad: "You barely knew her. What the hell do you care?" He walks up to you and gets in your face.

Conrad: "You and your fuck buddies the reason they came to Prescott in the first place! She's dead because of you."

Tripp: "Conrad--easy, buddy. This wasn't his fault."

Conrad: "Bullshit. Francine, Prescott...all because this washed-up cheat walked through our gates. I shoulda known it the second I looked at you. You ain't gonna stand up for nobody but your own."

Y/N: "Hey.. can I tell you something Conrad?" He stops talking and looks at you waiting for an answer. "I know you last your "Girlfriend" but if you talk to me like that again I'll blow your fucking brains out like I did Eli."

Conrad: "Fuck you."

Tripp: "Hey, hey--everybody calm down. Jesus."

Eleanor: "Calm down, Conrad, please."

Conrad: "All I know is, if it wasn't for him--" (pokes you)

Gabe points a pistol at Conrad.

Gabe: "Back the fuck off. Now. Just back away."

Conrad: "Take it easy, son."

Javier: "Gabriel! Put it away! Now!"

Gabe: "He's gonna hurt you. No way."

Tripp: "Kid, put down the gun."

Conrad: "Just do it already! I don't even care anymore."

Y/N: "Just Shoot him, do it if you want to." Clem takes a sharp look at you. "Put. The. Gun. Down." You say.

he fires a warning shot at Conrad's foot.

Gabe: "Don't threaten my uncle again."

Gabe puts the gun away and runs off.

Tripp: "Fuck me."

Javier: "Gabe!"

Clementine: "Let him go. He just needs to cool off."

Conrad sits down against the truck and cries.

Conrad: "We have to go back. We have to bury her."

Tripp: "I wish we could. But Prescott's overrun. We can't go back."

Eleanor: "Well, we're not safe here, either."

Y/N: "What about Richmond? I've heard there's a community there. If it's true, they'll have food...walls... Maybe even a hospital."

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