Chapter 3: Ties That Bind Part Two

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Thump Thump you feel the steady beat of your heart against your chest. The world seems to shake around you without stop. Sounds comes back and all you can hear is the groans from the dead. Your hearing cuts out. Then it comes back again and you know your not hearing things. You look up off the ground. Your clothes smell burnt and worn you can practically smell the fabric. In front of you is a walker without legs crawling toward you. You pat your waistband and don't feel your knife.

You feel an urge to cough and you do so. But it gets larger and larger till your coughing out blood. You feel like you can't move any of your limbs and the taste in your mouth is like burnt plastic if it had a taste. "Hey, hey. Take it easy." You look up and see Clem fire a shot into the walkers head. A quick around shows you Javi sitting next to you, now awake after the gunshot was fired. A crate is also on fire, leaving black smoke in the air.

Javier: "What happened?"

Clementine: "They got away."

Javier: "Oh, God. Mariana."

Javi stands up, walks to mariana he crouches gracefully. And holds Mariana's hand.

Clementine: "I already dug a grave for her." You try to stand up but your legs feel numb. It reminds you of the time you sprained your leg.

Y/N: "Clem, Fuck." You try to stand up again to no avail. "I.. I can't stand up." She takes a puzzled look at you then crouches beside you. She pulls up both of your pant legs, everything looks fine and there's just a large cut across your left leg that happened at Wellington.

Clementine: "Does it hurt when I do this?" She pushes her right index finger down on your left leg. It stings until the moment she pulls it off. "I guess it's sprained bad." She lifts you off the ground and puts you on your right leg. She leans you onto her right shoulder. She starts walking toward a large hill with you in tow.

Javi carries Mariana and sets her down in the grave once you reach it. A large holes worth of ground sits beside the hole.

Javier: "This was my fault, Mariana. Goddamn it. I'm so sorry, honey."

Clementine: "Javi... Thank you for staying." You nod a silent thanks towards him.

Javier: "I should have gone with them."

Clementine: "No. We fought. We slowed them down."

Javier: "And now they'll come back for us...right?"

Clementine: "I...I don't know. Maybe"

Javier: Hang on a sec. (takes out tape player) She carried this around for years.

Javier puts the tape player in Mariana's hands.

Javi fills up the grave.

Javier: "I'm...I'm sorry I never found you those candy bars. You much more life. You should've been the one burying me...someday. Someday far away."

Javi finishes filling the grave.

Clementine: "You did everything you possibly--"

A walker growls; you find it behind a stack of tires. And Javi shoots it. He looks at the brand on its neck.

Javier: "The other guys had this, too."

Y/N: "Oh, shit."

Javier: "What? What's wrong? Y/N?"

Clementine: "We've run into these guys before."

Javier: "Who are they? Please."

Y/N: "They call themselves "the New Frontier". They used to be decent people. Now they're something else. This brand they's like an initiation thing. We were...kind've stuck in their camp for a while. Not by choice. It was bad. We're lucky to be alive."

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