You cut the last bit of the tree and it falls down at the right time, hitting the mark. A tree falls in the road, and the truck swerves into a ditch. A big, chunky man gets out of the truck first and makes a mad dash away from it. The other man gets out, wearing a baseball shirt while holding a black, standard issue glock nineteenBaseball shirt Man: "Hey!"
The baseball shirt wearing man points the gun at the Chunky man, he stops running and raises his hands as he turns around slowly.
Baseball shirt guy lowers the gun and Bandit guy runs off into the distance without another word, it almost seemed like he wanted to shoot him.
You creep down across the road with Clementine and point your shotgun at the guys back. Not afraid to pull the trigger if necessary.
????: "Fuck... Yeah, alright..."
Baseball guy drops the pistol without looking at you.
Y/N: "That's good. Just keep looking forward."
????: "Look, I'm no threat to you, okay? I surrender."
Clementine: "Well, that's obvious. Seeing how you didn't shoot that guy."
You pick up the guys pistol while Clem behind you.
Y/N: "Okay. Now, don't do anything stupid. Because I'll shoot a lot quicker then you will."
Clem walks off to inspect the truck, and you follow her, pushing the man forward with the barrel of your shotgun.
????: "You're just kids... Whoa, wait. Did you do that? With the tree?" He questions, looking back at you.
Clementine: "We were trying to stop the truck."
Clementine climbs into the front seat of the truck, she grabs an apple, and climbs out again. She holds it up to her eye, making sure it's edible.
Clementine: "Shit." She says, finally noticing the damage done to the truck.
????: "Yeah, you stopped it, alright."
Clementine: "Tree fell slower than I or he thought it would."
Y/N: "Put your hands up and close your eyes. Don't think about doing anything stupid." You tell him, you hold the shotgun in your left hand and grab the ziptie from your right pocket.
You quickly tie him up and continue to point your shotgun as his back.
Clementine takes a bite out of the apple before handing it to you.
?????: "Look, I'm the victim here."
Y/N: "We're all victims." You say solemnly.
Clementine walks over to the passenger side of the truck and opens the door, she climbs inside and pulls out a small bag. She begins searching it as you eat the remaining part of the apple.
????: "Oh, so it's okay for you to rob me."
Clementine: "This our payment. For saving you." She responds, looking up at the man before continuing to search the bag.
Clem pulls an unopened candy bar out from it, and you sigh loudly. You look between their faces.
????: "Hey, that's for my niece. She loves chocolate, more than anything. I promised it to her. Please."
Y/N: "We don't need any chocolate and it isn't ours.."
Clementine: "I wasn't going to take it anyways." She responds, scoffing, she returns the chocolate bar to its place in the bag, obviously hesitant.
TWDG Season 3 (Clementine X Male Reader)
Fantasy-Completed- Clementine and Y/N have been everywhere together with AJ. But after a Group called the new frontier takes AJ and threatens their lives, along with their new friends. they have to fight Diplomatically and Literally to bring him back. And...