Chapter 5: Brothers In Arms

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Clementine and you run through the woods with AJ on your back. Large rocks stand on small hills. While doing a quick search of the area, you find a small bus.

Y/N: "We can hide in here. Don't worry. It's gonna be okay."

Clementine kicks the door open and closes it behind you. You set AJ down on a rug and walkers surround the bus.

Y/N: "Oh, come on."

You help Clem barricade the door with a shelf. The shelf has a few unopened and opened boxes sitting on it. AJ whimpers.

Clementine: "Shh. AJ, it's alright."

Walkers pound on the bus and AJ cries.

Y/N: "I know you're hungry."

Clementine hums to AJ. "Hmmm..Hmmm.." her humming stops AJ from crying. And you have to admit. It is pretty soothing.

Clementine: "We're gonna wait for them to go and then we're gonna find you some dinner. Hopefully find us some dinner."

Someone tries to open the other door.

????: "Son of a bitch! Hey! I can hear you in there! Let me in! Please! Oh, god...there's so many... Please don't leave me out here." It's sounds like a female but you shouldn't let them in.

You try to block the door but the women on the outside pushes it open before you can get there. Clem and You pull out your pistols and aim it at her. She has no hair with a blue jacket. And brown leather pants.

????: "Oh, shit. Hey there." She pushes against the door.

Y/N: "Hello.."

Clementine: "Leave. You can't stay here."

????: "Sorry, kiddo. Think you're stuck with me."

The girl struggles to keep the door closed as walkers pound on it.

Ava: "Shit..."

Clementine and you run over and help her hold the door closed; the new girl barricades it with a plank.

????: "Goddamn it! Well. I'd say we make a pretty good team."

Clementine: "you and us are not a team. This is my team." She nods to you and AJ.

????: "Pretty small team..." She sits down beside the shelf on the other door.

Y/N: "We could have survived without you."

????: "Yeah, well, I couldn't have survived without you... And I'm not too big to admit it." The girl crouches in front of AJ

????: "He's a cute kid. You guys live in here? You seem kinda young to be a mom and dad. What are you? Thirteen? Damn. You're a child yourself." You shake your head.

Y/N: "I'm old enough to put a bullet in you."

????: "Whoa, take it easy. I'm not looking to make enemies here."

????: "We were out there scouting...nothing out of the ordinary, and then--chaos in--shit. Those bastards are slow, but goddamn it, when there's enough of them... I got separated from the others. God, I hope they all made it. Thought we were ready for anything. But they were all around us before we saw them."

Clementine: "What were you scouting for?"

????: "Gas, water...any supplies we could find, really. Sure as hell wasn't worth it."

Ava rolls up her sleeve to reveal a brand on her arm. AJ starts crying again.

Clementine: "He's hungry..."

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