Not a good start 🖤🦋

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"Snr Eva, I would be going now, I will meet you during the break period."
"Take care tutu, make sure you don't cause troubles." She smirked. Anyone who saw or overheard our conversation will think good of us but trust me it isn't so.
After exchanging byes with her friends, I walked my way to Jane's table. I had so much planned out for her.
Everyone knew that we felt hostility toward each other. It wasn't because she was dating Divine. My only crush. No, it was because she made me a laughing stock in front of everyone.

Let me take you all down the memory lane.

It was on a bright day, the sun was shining, I was happy, everyone was. The whole school was in high spirits. It was the last assembly before school vacation. I was given the honor of presenting a speech on behalf of the Jss1 students. It was nothing special, if it was based on character and virtue then I won't be on the list. What earned me the spot was my IQ. I had a different intonation from everyone else and my English speaking was game. I learned a lot from the occasional holiday vacations my family spent in Britain.

I grabbed the mic from the head girl and in between the speech, the principal made me pause. She asked me to kneel before the crowd and apologize to Jane for no reason.
  It was too embarrassing for me and funny for everyone else. I just stood there with my eyes full of tears.
It was after the assembly that I found out the cause of the whole stuff.
Jane's parents were one of the finance pockets of the school and had so much power over the authorities. I was made to kneel and apologize to my fellow girl because I accidentally broke her bucket. What world do we live in?

When I reached the table, Jane was already mixing her tea. What better moment to ruin her day.
I pushed a clueless Jss1 boy into her. The boy crashed into her making her tea spill on her white blouse. Not only did it spill on her, but it also created a huge spot on the blouse.
  Before she could turn, I hid and the boy was out of sight.
Watching her face fume with anger and everyone giving her pity look was such fun for me.
And just in time, the bell rang for assembly. It was too late to head to the hostel or speculate on a second option.
Everyone will obviously think she's a clueless Jss1 student.

Revenge is sweet.

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