Could it be a dream🖤🦋

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"Well, that makes two of us." He said, smiling.
Am yet to believe that am actually talking to him. It all feels like a dream but lucky for me, it's not.
"Funny, is Romeo and Juliet your best, " I asked.
"Yes, am actually reading it." He said showing me the cover of the book he was holding.
"So do you come to the library regularly or it's just to ease skipping classes?"
"Honestly, I don't like it here." Why was I being honest all of a sudden?
" That explains a bunch."
"Uhmm, excuse me?"
"Just kidding."
The way he said "just kidding" made me blush like a newborn baby. This guy is freakishly cute. I could get lost in those eyes of his.
"You almost got me."
"I know, " he laughs " so do you want to go out from here and do something else, together?"
Okay, is he flirting with me or am I hearing things? Opportunities come once right? Am not screwing this up.
"Yes, or don't you believe me." He asked. And from his facial expression, I could see his truth.
"Like what, this school has no fun area."
"How about we go for social night together, this Friday."
"Like a date?" I need to be sure. And at this point, my expression will soon give me away.
"Yes, are you okay with that." He asked.
Guy, you don't need to ask. Am 1000000,000000000,00000000 zillion cool with it if that's a real figure?
"Am super chill."
I smiled. He chuckled. I stared. He stared. We were both lost in each other.
"Excuse can I use the restroom, I will be back in a wink." He said
"No problem, am still here," I assured.

As soon as he left for the restroom, I pinched myself just to be sure. Some dreams can feel surreal.

I went to the shelf to exchange my book for a stronger one. I needed to borrow the book out of the library.
I was approaching the shelf when I heard some moaning. Were people making out in the library? Only one way to find out.
I was an inch closer when the scenery shocked me. The girl had her shirt tucked out and her skirts we're lifted above her knees. The guy on the other hand had his hands under skirts. He was moving it vigorously like he was searching for something.
The sight was not what troubled me. It was the girl in the position that broke my heart.
Due to the shock, the book on my hand fell off and created a sound that alerted them of my presence.

Our eyes met.

"Judith, what are you doing here?" She screamed.

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