The new me🖤🦋

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"You guys were totally cute yesterday. I loved the song by the way. Your voice is really nice. Would you tell me more about him? How did you-?"

"Has anyone told you you ask a lot of questions?"

"I know. Just tell me what I want to hear. Please."
If anyone heard the way she was begging, I would be termed bad. She has this superpower that made her look vulnerable and yet cute when asking for a thing.

We both talked about Divine. I ignored the part that made me run out of the library. I told her about Jane. How we both started our cold silent fight and how am about to start another because of yesterday's event.


The weeks went by really fast. Exams are in a week in time. Christmas Carol is a three weeks time.
Ada and I have been studying really hard. She's smart and a book worm.
Am happy I got her as a seatmate and what seems to move from just seatmate to best friends.
Having her by my side was worth the wait of not having a friend my age for a long time since I came into this school.
We got to know each other. I told her about my family and let her meet my parents during the visiting day.

My Mom told me she's expecting and am do happy. Ada was happy too. She even gave name suggestions and my Dad loved it.

Divine and I have been hanging around. Some times he joined Ada and me to study and other times, it was just the two of us taking a way within the school premise.

He broke up with Jane.

A student got pregnant and I know who. The girl I met at the library.

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