Romeo and Juliet 🖤🦋

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I walked into the library, this is my third time since I came into this school. Something felt off, I had I terrible feeling like am about to regret my choice of coming to the library. The feeling was strong but it was too late to turn back. I was already signing and signing out immediately will only earn me scorn from the Liberian. The woman always seems to have a temper plus she's pregnant. Double temper.
I walked into the reading section, straight for the novels. They were arranged in genres. Perfect.
With my finger, I browsed through the genres. Adventure - Classic - Comedy - Drama - Fiction - Romance... Yes, romance. I found my spec. There were lots of books under this genre. Whoever stocked it must have been unaware that this is a school, not some Wattpad or Lightreads library collection.
I pulled out the first book, "Cinderella", the second book "Sleeping Beauty", the third "Shrek", the sixth "Pocahontas". Is this some Disney shelf or do we look like kindergartners? You can't imagine my frustration.
Pulling out more which I was not even organizing back due to my disappointment coupled with anger. Then gradually, I was coming across books but was still dissatisfied. Books like October song, Redemption, Half of a yellow sun, Love don't cost a thing, and a couple of Shakespeare's. My disappointment was best to none.
I ended up with "Romeo and Juliet". It's a Classic, not Romance.
I walked to the far end of the library and without checking who my seatmate was: what he looked like: at least I know it's a he.
I just sat down and opened my book to the last chapter. The very last before the epilogue.

" You are into Shakespeare too?"

That's my seatmate, but the voice sounded familiar. I know I have heard it somewhere. Am sure, but whose voice. Only one way to find out, I have to look up.

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