Back to school🖤🦋

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Don't we all hate the feels of going back to school? The annoying feeling of waking up every morning at 5 am to bath our skins with cold waters?

Well if you can relate to any of these feelings then you should probably know what's going through my mind at the early hours of the morning.

I grab my towels, dragged out my bucket of water from the bunk of my side mate. well, you don't expect me to keep buckets of water under my bunk and risk wetting the floors of my corner. I put some paste on my toothbrush and with what seemed like superhuman powers to me, I lifted my bucket and went over to the bathroom.

too crowded. I can not bath inside there. knowing that am about to rub bodies with a bunch of naked humans scares the life out of me.

I took my bucket and bath bag to a corner, far away from anyone, everyone, all naked bodies, and splashes of water. who knew bathing could be full of horror.

5 4 3 2 1... arrrrghhhhhh

I screamed out immediately the water came in contact with my body. everyone turned in shock and hissed in unison as tho they were in a band. Who cares?

I don't want to discuss the remaining horrors of bathing. I quickly dressed up in my new pairs of underwear which I already laid out before bathing. I put on my black socks and curtainer shoes. taking a beautiful look at my well-ironed uniform, I put it on.

like a tortoise, I dragged my feet to the back surrounding the hostel. it was terribly littered with all sorts of trash and the stench alone was killing. I scanned the environment for work tools but none was in view. what kind of school gives you work without tools. I looked one more time and saw a lean girl with a broom.

As politely as I was she refused to lend her broom to me. I hate skinny girls. it's their act of stinginess that makes them have a broomstick feature.

I asked a few more people and they all said the same thing, "someone asked first." like who has time to queue up for a broom. school life.

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