Your Occupation

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     We got to the government base and Ellie greeted me with a bone crushing hug. "Why would you do that, you could've ended up somewhere so crazy, you know how things are!" she screams.

"I have something to tell you..."
I say, looking at her and the general. "Do you want to know why I kept my job a secret?"

"Are you a spy for the Top Hat Clan?" the general asks, getting cautious.

"No, I'm a DJ, I didn't want the government to get distracted by me." I reply, looking at the general with a hurt expression.

"I want some proof." Ellie says, not buying it.

     'I knew she wouldn't buy it, even if I am telling the truth, luckily I brought one of the remixes I produced.' I think as I give her the remix (play the video). She looks at it, surprised that I was telling her the truth. "Play it." I say confidently.

Henry POV

     Now she's a DJ, what don't I know? "What else can you do?" I ask out of curiosity.

"She can sing, dance, and is very good in combat on many levels." Ellie says proud of her friend.

"I am not good at any of these!" Y/N scream in embarrassment.

"Yes you are, it's not nice to lie."
the general replies to her, smirking as he did.

     All she could do at that point was let out a flustered sigh and leave. "What did I just witness...???"

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