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"Uhm this is not on the way to the Civil Affairs Bureau." Clein said.

Allen brought Clein on his friend's firm. He said that it was much easier to let his friend process their registration and they just have to sign some documents.

"Don't worry Clein, It is better to let Maynard handle the processing. We only need to sign some documents and he will bring it straight to the Main Office." Allen explained.

It was early in the morning when Allen picks her up at home. Her dad was not around because of some business so her Tauren simply served Clein to Allen on a silver platter. She can't believe how her father trusts this man so easily that she can be with Allen without any chaperone.

She wore a cottony pink turtle neck. It was hard for her to pick what kind of dress she will wear. The hickies Allen gave her was very visible that no concealer makeup could hide.

She wants to wear something fresh and loose but this man beside her ruin everything.

Allen held her hand all this time. He only let go if he had to do the car maneuver.

"Allen can you let me go? You are driving" Clein said, she was not used to someone holding her hand and besides its quite hot. Good thing, Allen's hand was dry, but the warm it produces greatly disturbs Clein's heart.

"No, you have to be used to me around you. You flinch so easily when I touch you. It's a sign of fear. I don't want my wife to fear me." Allen winked like an experienced playboy.

"We are here. Would you mind giving me a hand?" Allen parked at a luxury home on the main street of Lanfole. Clein may not be so sociable but she perfectly knew that this land was owned by one of the youngest lawyer in the Kingdom. Maynard Stratch. He was the pride of the south.

"You know Maynard Stratch?"Clein asked in surprise.

"Yeah, he was the one that actually forced me to visit this place when I was young. From then, I became a regular tourist" Allen said. Allen wanted to tell that he visited the place because of her but it's not the time for him to tell her that.

Yes Allen actually stalked his wife. He was afraid to talk to her and might kidnap this cute girl and bring her to his home. That's how much he likes her.

Clein pushed the wheelchair of Allen. Allen has the remote and can control the wheelchair but he like to have Clein close to him. He can smell her scent which he like very much. Her smell was so comforting and fresh like baby.

They were received by the ecstatic man on the door.

"Allen you should have told me that you have landed south yesterday!" Maynard give Allen a friendly hug.

"Something urgent" Allen said as it summarizes everything happened. The tone was cold and distant. Clein noticed his change of attitude. He was not like this when they were on the car.

"Still not much of a talker huh... oh and who is this young lady that you brought? Welcome to..." Maynard was about to reach the hand of Clein but Allen beat him to it.

Maynard's eyebrow rose. Did the earth's spin turn west?

"Enough" Allen said even more coldly. He do not want someone carelessly touch Clein specially males.

"Hello Mr. Stratch, I'm Clein Pralletel" Clein politely introduced herself. The surname Stratch was so well known in the south. A lot of powerful men sought his service. Her dad sometimes mentions this man.

"Pralletel? How are you connected to Baron Pralletel?" Maynard asked.

"You know my dad?" Clein asked in surprise. She knows that they were noble but her dad do not involved himself with politics. Their business was even so small.

"Of course! Your dad's Farm was the best in the south! We only purchase vegetables and rice from your family's produce. Small farm but totally admired by the people when it comes to treating employees." Maynard said in high tone. He also wants to add that Allen was a regular visitor of their farm and half of their produced is purchased by Allen in his name but he noticed that the man was killing him with stares already.

"Thank you for your patronage sir."

"So what can I do to the prince of the north?" Maynard asked.

"We are here to register our Marriage" Maynard almost drop the cup he was holding...

"wait... I'm hearing things. Sorry I did not sleep so soundly last night so I was a bit at lost. What did you came here for?" Maynard tried to slap his face.

"Marriage" Allen said shortly. He do not want to repeat himself.

"Ma... Marriage? wait... who are you marrying, this lady, lady Pralletel?" Maynard could not believe it! He thought that this block of ice will not marry in this lifetime. He was not interested on famous socialites and nobles on the circle saying that they were all dogs!

His gaze turns to Clein. This girl in front of him was so young. 15? 16? Is this coercing? When did Allen become pedophile?

Clein just smiled awkwardly.

"You are planning to marry a minor?" Maynard asked in horror.

"Are you crazy?" Allen frowned.

"Hey Allen! I know you are powerful, but you do not have to falsify a child's age just to marry her now!" Maynard said still not believing.

"I am not minor. I turned eighteen recently sir Stratch." Clein clarified.

Maynard still could not believe. Maybe youngster nowadays was so baby-faced. He acknowledges that Clein was so beautiful, but she was so young and so pure to his taste.

"I didn't know that you like this kind of girl Allen. It was unexpected." Maynard put a finger on his chin.

"There's no other of her kind. She unique made for me" Allen said which Maynard stare in horror. Did someone possessed Allen today? How come he knows how to speak these sweet words?

Clein face blushed at the declaration.

The registration went smoothly. They took their lunch at the Stratch home. Maynard also gave them a wine as a gift. He also promised to attend on their wedding at the north.

"Let's go, my sister said to bring you to this store" Allen said.

"Sure" Clein nodded without hesitation. If she chose to go home, she knows that Allen would be there. She knows what will happen if they're alone.

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