Chapter Seventeen

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Ryan and I decided shortly after Mark left that we would spend the day in bed watching movies, he has gone downstairs a few time for food not letting me get out of bed at all other than to use the bathroom, and right now I have my back propped up by pillows while Ryan is laying next to me hugging my torso with his head gently resting on my stomach and I couldn't help but play with his hair.

"I hope you realize that I'm going to do this every day and talk to the babies" he says rubbing my belly with his hand "You're going to do that through my entire pregnancy?" I ask very amusedly at his statement, he hums "Of course I will, and you are going to have to be the one to translate since you are the only one that can hear them" he lifts up his head and places a gentle kiss just below my navel making me laugh very softly.

"They have been really quiet today" I say putting my hand on my stomach above his "Aw come on I wanna talk to my babies" he says moving his head to where it is still laying on my stomach but he looks up at me "They're probably sleeping" I say with a smile "Lazy babies!" he exclaims "Shh! They're busy growing let them rest" I scold him playfully "When they're born and are crying all night I'm making you stay up with them while I sleep if you keep that up" I say making him laugh "Deal" he says with a beautiful smile "Will you just wait a few weeks at least before you try talking their tiny little ears off?" I ask and he shakes his head "I don't wanna" he says making me roll my eyes with a smile "Let them rest for today and if they wake up and I hear them say anything I'll let you know" 

"Okay" he says rubbing his hand over my belly gently "Do you think they're a boy and a girl or both boys or both girls?" he asks with a low voice.

Huh, I never thought of that 

"I don't know yet" I put my hand on his head and start playing with his hair " What do you think?" I ask, he snuggles into me more "This is probably just me getting my hopes up cause it would be really cool but I'm thinking boy and girl" I smile at his statement "Why do you say that?" I ask "I just thought it would be cool that if it were one of each then our son could protect his sister and if a girl breaks his heart then our daughter could kick her ass cause I'm going to teach him that it's not okay to hit a woman" he says "Unless it's self-defense" I add "Unless it's self-defense of course" he smiles.

We talked for a little while about stupid stuff that won't matter at all later on but I think that was just our way of distracting ourselves and soaking up in normalcy while it lasts because tomorrow our lives are going to change forever and we have no idea what the future holds for us. Like our pack, us, and our growing family.

To be quite honest I am oddly excited that I will no longer have to hide who I truly am from the ones I love the most, and I may finally be able to have a relationship with my father that I so desperately craved my entire life because the guys my mom would bring home every so often just didn't do it for me and according to my mother I have about twenty-seven "Uncle's". But they never paid attention to me, they all wanted the 'M.I.L.F' but didn't want to deal with the child so it was usually just flings that never went past two months.

It would be great to have my father in my kids' lives, although I'm not too sure about my mother considering she didn't show up at our wedding or me presenting even though she was invited to both. Yes, I know she hasn't given a damn about me the past few years but she is my mother, after all, I was giving her the opportunity for us to make amends and put it all behind us but she didn't take it, that's her loss I guess.

I didn't realize that we had fallen asleep until I woke up to the morning sun shining through the windows, I was snuggled into Ryans' bare chest before I decided to get up to take a shower to get ready for the day. I was in the shower rinsing the conditioner out of my hair when the bathroom "Love, Mark, and Harry are here" Ryan announced "I'll be down in a few minutes" I tell him gently and my voice breaks a little "What's wrong?" he asks coming over to the shower and opening the door "Pregnancy hormones, I guess" I say feeling tears fall out of my eyes.

Ryan steps into the shower behind me fully clothed before wrapping his arms around my stomach making me cry harder "Is it because of your dad?" he asks "What if he doesn't accept me?" I admit as my body shakes "Ember he did all of this to keep you safe. Why wouldn't he accept you?" he asks me while gently turning me towards him "I'm a pregnant teenager" he holds my face in his hand "You are a married, pregnant woman" he presses his forehead against mine "You will be twenty in March" he says kissing me gently "You are a strong and independent woman. You will make him proud" I smile at him through the tears.

"Your clothes are all wet" I tell him "It was worth baby" He always knows the right things to say, I turn the water off "I'll be out in a few minutes" I kiss him quickly making him smile. He walks out of the room "Now I have to change" he yells from the bedroom "You did it to yourself" I yell back as I dry myself off, "When you find your dad do you want me to go with you?" he asks when I walk into the room to through some comfortable clothes on.

"I'm not sure yet, a part of me thinks I should go alone to figure everything out, and apparently I'm the beta of a dead pack and I need to prove that I can take charge and handle things on my own" I tell him as I brush my hair quickly "We're married, your problems are my problems love. You don't have to handle anything on your own" he says with a concerned look on his face. 

"Ryan what if -Luna forbid- something happens to you and it's just me taking care of the pack and our babies. I need to learn how to make those types of decisions on my own, honey you were trained for this-I wasn't" he had this look of realization on his face as he nods his head "You are so fucking smart" he says making me laugh "I love you more than anything" I tell him and he gets this big cheesy grin "I love you" he kisses me "Let's go see how you're going to find your father" he grabs my hand and leads me down the stairs. Let's see how this goes.

The girl with the feather tattoo   Sequel to "My Alpha"Where stories live. Discover now