Chapter Twenty

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Ryan surprisingly processed the news better than I anticipated hell he took it better than I did, Mark and Harry came back after an hour right as my father was finishing up his explanation to Ryan.

I had begged Ryan to explain my pregnancy situation to the two while I went to our bedroom to lay down. So much has happened in the past few days and I have had very little time to process that I can feel myself being drained and I doubt that the fact that I am carrying two children inside of my uterus helps one bit.

I miss my brothers and Hazel, damn I have to tell the boys that our father who we thought was dead for the past six years is in fact not dead but was in hiding to keep me safe even though it is backfiring at the moment.

A knock on the door drew me out of my thoughts "Come in" I say sitting up in bed and put a hand on my belly considering the size of it. My father walks in and sits at the edge of the bed, "I know that today has been a lot for you and you probably want your brothers, and tell them everything but there is one thing that all three of you need to know" he has guilt written all over his face 

"What is it?" I demand "The alpha of their pack cannot know that you are my daughter" his head hangs low "They let me stay with them after my family and pack was killed only because I had met my mate. Ember if they find out it could cause a war between the two packs, they would make you choose a pack, and whichever one you chose the other would be angry and fight for you back because you and the boys are so powerful" I sat there confused.

"I thought Jake and Caleb were safe because they can't carry the alpha/beta bloodline" I say feeling a small burst of anger in my chest "They can't but they are a part of the wolves of Ossary and our family carries a few special abilities. I'm not sure if the boys have them yet but as of right now they are safe because they were born from two mates and aren't the alpha of a relatively dead pack" he says making me jump out of bed.

"Dad are you kidding me! Why do you keep telling me everything in pieces? it is literally the life and death of our now growing family!" I yell at him "That's exactly why I've been telling it like that, I have been giving you time to process each thing because you are pregnant Ember" he says slowly right as the door flies open "What's going on?" Ryan runs in and his eyes are glowing gold.

"Ryan honey I'm okay, I'm just frustrated" I say placing my hand on his cheek and the gold fades into his usual enchanting green eyes, "I made dinner" he says as my father walks out of the room and Ryan keeps his eyes on him until he was no longer visible. "Ryan I'm just a little emotional right now okay" I tell him and he presses his forehead against mine "I just don't want anything to happen to you and the babies since we don't have as long as we thought to prepare for them" he admits with a soft and gentle voice "I know, let's go eat okay?" he puts his arm around me before we walk downstairs.

After dinner, I showed my father to the quest room since it took me a total of four hours round trip to my fathers and I didn't want him out in those woods that late in the night just for him to come back early in the morning.

The three of us agreed to have Caleb and Jake come to the house to explain everything early in the morning. I had called Jake and told him that only he and Caleb should come to the house and leave Hazel out of the matter for a bit.

I love her and all but she doesn't handle things like this well and we don't have time for so many questions with our entire family's life on the line.

They agreed to come over at exactly eight am, "I wonder if we can find out the genders of the babies now" Ryan says after a few minutes of us laying in silence while trying to get to sleep. "I didn't think about that, we'll have to talk to Mark in the morning" I say before Ryan hugs me tighter "Okay love just get some rest we have a long day ahead of us" he says quietly making me nod at him and drift off to sleep.

"Mommy you've been asleep for too long we want to hear more things" a small voice says "We are also a little hungry but the sounds are nice, we want to hear Daddy talk again" another small voice says but more gentle this time "Mommy wake up!" both voices say at once making my eyes snap open and I  struggle to sit up in the bed from my belly "I know babies but you have to wait a little while longer to eat and hear Daddy's voice, he's sleeping and your Aunt Hazel and Uncle's Caleb and Jake are coming today for breakfast" I say to them softly while walking to the bathroom.

"Okay, Mommy" the more gentle voice says "What's that?" the other says making me laugh a small bit while I search through my closet to find a shirt that will fit my round belly, "Love are you okay?" Ryan says coming into the doorway of the closet "Yeah, I just can't find a shirt that will fit me" I say just standing there in my bra and a pair of leggings. I turn to look at him and he's smiling "What?" I ask him and he walks over to me and puts both of his hands on each side of my belly "You just look so beautiful" he says before kissing me once. 

"Just wear one of my shirts for today and we will get you more tomorrow okay?" he asked handing me one of his grey shirts "Thank you" I say gently while taking it out of his hand and quickly slipping it on and walking out of the closet "Honey hurry up please, they'll be here in a few minutes" I walk downstairs to sit in the living room, Ryan and I had discussed last night that he would answer the door and lead them to me so I could tell them everything while hiding my new baby belly with a pillow until I had told them about the pregnancy and everything that is going on with that.

God, I hope this goes smoothly...

A/N: I am terribly sorry for my few month break, I had originally decided to take a week or two off from writing to focus on school as finals were coming up and I was struggling mentally from losing my mother the month before. But in Febuary an old classmate of mine found me on social media and we began to talk and our old feelings for each other came back. We started dating on valentines day and a month later was my 18th birthday and I had just got so caught up with school since I was a Senior that I didn't have to time to write.

Then a week after graduation I found out that I was pregnant...I was going to have a little baby of my own and I will be honest the beginning of pregnancy is VERY tough. But now I am in my second trimester, I have a lot of energy and will do my best to update when I can. 

Love you guys and stay safe <3   

The girl with the feather tattoo   Sequel to &quot;My Alpha&quot;Where stories live. Discover now