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Authors note-- Sorry that this doesn't have a 'Alliances' type of thing I just don't want to take the time to write out all the cats and stuff. Please enjoy! :) --


A sleek, starry cat stared into the clear water. More cats with starry pelts flanked around the cat with the bluish- gray tint in her pelt.

"That kit.." muttered the gray- tinted cat, "It is unlike its littermates," Reflected into the water, was a mother with 3 small kits huddled by her belly. The smallest was black and white. It's ears pushed against its skull as it suckled on its mother.

Another cat commented, "I do agree with Granitestar, that kit seems odd,"

"You agree with everybody, Brackenwish," grunted a long-furred gray tom.

The ginger cat bit back the reply. "But can we all agree? He is the one?" Hope edged his meow.

The rest of the starry cats nodded.

"Then it is settled," Granitestar spoke up agian. "But when shall we send the prophecy? And to who shall we send it?"

The gray tom stood this time. "Fernwhisker. We send it to her."

Brackenwish added, "Yes, and at dawn on the day of his apprentice ceremony. So it is more clear,"

"Ok," Granitestar announced, "We shall send the prophecy about the kit to Fernwhisker at dawn of the kits ceremony. Starclan, you are dismissed."

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