𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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I didn't proofread sorry for mistakes.

Short chapter for today:(


3rd Person's PoV

"It took you exactly twenty eight minutes and two seconds, boss. You still have two minutes, why come back so early?" Y/n asked with an innocent smile.

"You counted? You're such a dork." Joohyun said, the corner of her lips lifting a bit.

"But why come back so early?" Y/n ask again. "Did you get tired of gum ball already?"

"No, you idiot..it's cuz you're waiting for me." Joohyun mumbled, suddenly getting shy for some reason.

"Aww, you were thinking about me, weren't yo-"

"Tsk. Let's just go." Joohyun suddenly said in a rude tone.

Geez, her mood swings is kind of scary.. Y/n thought before they walked into an elevator.

When the elevator closed, Y/n pressed the ground floor button. While waiting, she looked at her boss who's just staring into nothing.

Only by this, Y/n smiled like a fool that she is.

Joohyun felt someone watching her, and everyone probably knows it's gonna be Y/n. So Joohyun turned her head and stared back into Y/n's eyes.

"I think I'm gonna melt." Y/n shamelessly said, her cheeks getting red because of Joohyun's hot gaze staring right back at her.

"Then melt, I wanna see." Joohyun said, shaking her head before looking away when the elevator opened and employees came rushing in, making the two get pushed back into the corner.

The air got thinner and thinner by the second, slowly suffocating Joohyun as some of the employees accidentally bumped into her.

Y/n immediately noticed this and gently push the employees away from Joohyun, but the small space is clearly not enough.

Thinking it would be the best way right now, Y/n cupped Irene's face and lift it up to look into her eyes. Joohyun wasn't expecting that but she immediately focused on Y/n's calm breathing, and hold onto the taller girl's hands that is cupping her face warmly.


Joohyun inhaled.


Joohyun inhaled again.

"Inhal-" Y/n was cut off when Joohyun smiled brightly and slap her on the arm.

"Asshole.." Joohyun mumbled, her breathing slowly calming down, but, Y/n was frozen.

When they stopped at the ground floor, they all walked out with Y/n still not saying anything.

"You should stay like this until we get home." Joohyun mumbled, referring to Y/n being quiet.

"W-Wait, let me just...process what my own eyes saw." Y/n stuttered, still frozen in the middle of the lobby.

2 minutes later

"You know what, I'm just gonna leave you here.." Joohyun starts to walk away but Y/n finally snapped out of it and went to Joohyun.

"Wait, can you smile again? I just have to capture it and save it for mysel-"

"You're so weird." Joohyun muttered before leaving the taller girl.

"Boss, would you please wait for your future girlfriend!" Y/n shouted, causing the employees to look at her.

𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐬𝐬 (𝐁𝐚𝐞 𝐉𝐨𝐨𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧/𝐘𝐨𝐮) Where stories live. Discover now