𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖

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I didn't proofread sorry for mistakes.


3rd Person's PoV

Previously on Heartless Boss:

"Tsk, fine." Joohyun said and rolls her eyes before getting up abruptly.

"Fine what?"

"Let's go to a haunted house.."



"Holy shit..Boss, chill. That was just a design, we're not even in yet." Y/n told Irene, a hard laugh leaving her lips.

"Oh.." Joohyun's cheeks felt hot, embarrassed at the loud sound that she just made.

Suddenly, Y/n grabbed Joohyun's hand to 'keep her safe' like she promised, before pulling her inside. "Here we gooo.."

As soon as they get inside, pitch black is all they could see making Joohyun roll her eyes, "Yah, you idiot. I thought they gave us a flashlight to use?"

"Oh shit, yeah.." The assistant mumbled, pulling out the flashlight and turning it on. As soon as Y/n switched the flashlight on, she points it forward to where they were going only to be met by a clown jumping in front of them- "AAAH FUCK!"

"AAAHH! NO, NO! DONT KILL ME! TAKE THIS IDIOT INSTEAD-" Joohyun was cut off when Y/n suddenly stopped screaming and turn to her dramatically.

"Oh come on, boss! I told you I'll protect you, why do you have to give me away to a clown!" Y/n argued with Joohyun in the middle of their walk through the haunted house, the clown just standing awkwardly in front of them, not knowing what to do.

Joohyun turned to Y/n as well and huffed. "We talked about this! I told you, you're gonna be the sacrifice if ever someone wants to take one of us!"

Y/n gasped, squinting her eyes towards her boss. "You don't even know the clown's decision! What if he'd rather take you than me?"

"But what if its you!" Joohyun fired back.

At that, Y/n once again, dramatically turned to the clown and asked him. "So Mr. Clown, who would you rather take? Lee Joohyun or Lee Y/n?"

The clown widen his eyes, not knowing what to say or if he should really respond at all, "Uhhh-"

Y/n cuts him off, looking back to Joohyun with an obvious face."See? Mr. Clown picked you, Lee Joohyun."

Joohyun scoffed, softly punching Y/n on the chest. "That's not even my real last name.."

"Well, in the future, darling.." Y/n smirked, winking as she said the word 'darling' with so much raspiness in her voice.

Hearing this, the clown slowly backed away, taking his chance to escape from the disgustingly cute couple.

Joohyun felt her cheeks hot once again, not expecting the statement coming from her assistant's mouth. "S-Stop flirting with me in the middle of the haunted h-house. Ehem.."

"We're not even in the middle yet- AAH SHIT!" Y/n screams in fear for the second time before aggressively removing the fake spider web that fell on her face.

On the other hand, Joohyun burst out into laughter in surprise, seeing Y/n panic when the fake spider web goes into her mouth."Dummy.."


"That was horrible.."

Guess who said that.

Joohyun? No. It was Y/n, the idiot herself.

𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐬𝐬 (𝐁𝐚𝐞 𝐉𝐨𝐨𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧/𝐘𝐨𝐮) Where stories live. Discover now