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Joes pov
He looked at me with a kind of anger in his eye. Jealousy? "I. If you don't want to talk about it I can go." "What is it?" "What do you mean?" "Boy or girl?" "It's an. Umm. A girl." His face fell and he turned away and whispered but it was clear what he was saying. "I think you should leave." "Kev I'm sorry. I knew I shouldn't have brought it up." "Then why did you." "Because. I.  I don't. I don't know." "Just go joe. Go ask someone else about it." "But-." "Joe!" I walked out past Stacey who was in the kitchen and then out the front door.
Staceys pov
Joe had just walked out and when I walked into the bedroom Kev was sat on the edge of the bed rubbing his fingers over the newly inked skin. "She's pregnant isn't she." He looked at me and nodded slowly. I went and sat next to him and he looked at me and rested his head in my neck. "She would've been gorgeous." "What?" "Kora. I can guarantee it. Your blue eyes." "Your nose." "And my receding hairline." We both chuckled and he kissed me softly. "I need to go and apologise to joe." "Why." "Because he told me they're having a girl and I didn't know what to do so I told him to go." I looked at him and he smiled. "Message him to come back over tomorrow. And he can talk to us both." He nodded and I smiled and kissed him. Things got intense but I pulled away and he looked at me. "Kev. This happened last time." "But-?" "Please? Just not yet." He nodded and gently pressed kisses to my lips. He kissed me slowly and passionately before pulling away and looking at me with that smiled that made me date him in the first place. "Stacey?" "Mmm." I snuggled into his still bare chest. "I love you." "I know and I love you too." I ran my fingers over the tattoo on his hip and smiled. "You know that this is never gonna go away right?" I just looked at him and nodded. "I was talking to the tattooist earlier and he said that birthdays will always be a struggle but you plough through and it eases but it never leaves you." "We knew what we got ourselves into when we kept the baby. We knew there was a chance and we took it. The odds just didn't go in our favour. Right?" He smiled and kissed me again. I took his chin in my hand and pressed my lips to his. "That's illegal." "What?" "We all know that I'm in charge." He pouted and I smiled. "The title is mine." "You can have any title you want princess. Clifton is one of them." "Trust me, baby." I cuddled back into his and still was rubbing my fingers over the tattoo. "It won't be long."

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