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Kevins PoV
Stacey was getting back from work really early hours this morning. Hadley was on a school trip so it was just me and our little 18 month old. "Beauuuu. We have to go get mummy my little prince." "Chocolate?" "How about. You can have a cereal bar in the car." "Daddy you match. Bar. Car. Matchy." I smiled and picked him up out of his cot. "Your a clever little monster aren't you?" He nodded and hugged me close. "It's cold daddy. Your blanket." I have this fluffy winter jumper and beau genuinely thinks it's a blanket. "Yeah. But we have to be quick so we can pick mummy up." I picked it up grabbed the keys his teddy a cereal bar and my shoes. "Beau no need shoes?" "Nope. You're not walking in the airport." "Whyyyy?" "Because it's dangerous." He put his slippers on instead to keep his feet warm and I let him sit in his car seat in the front so he wasn't on his own. I started driving down to Birmingham airport and beau wanted a story. "Why do you want a story mr beau." "Because. Daddy tells funny stories. Mummy normally tells me stories in the car." "She does does she. Well. How about. Instead. I put some music on. Otherwise I can't drive properly and we need to get down to where mummy is." We drive for about half an hour before beau started crying so I pulled over. "What's wrong bud." "Belly ache." "Aww. Do you feel like your gonna be sick or just a tummy bug." "Be sick." I got out of the car and picked him up gently massaging his stomach. "We don't have any special medicine in the car. Do you want to maybe have something to drink. Some water." He nodded and I grabbed his bottle out of the back and he had a drink before cuddling back into me. Staceys flight will be landing in about fifteen minutes and we were still half an hour away. I kept the car door open and sat in the drivers seat still rocking beau. He burped and threw up on my leg and started crying. "Hey hey hey. Don't cry buster. It's ok. Still got a bad tummy or feel better." "Bit better." "Good enough for daddy to start driving again." He nodded so I fastened him in his seat took his sick covered shirt off him and wrapped my hoodie round him. Fifteen minutes past and Stacey started ringing. I quickly synced my phone up to the car and answered.
S. Hey. How far away are you?
K. I'm sorry bubby. Well be around fifteen minutes? We set off in time but little man threw up. About twenty minutes ago
S. Ok then gorgeous. I'll buy some calpol and I'll just grab him a sandwich or something in case he's hungry. Do you want anything.
K. Cup of tea please my darling
S. Right. I'll see you soon then baby
K. You bet.
S. I'll wait near the ummm boots thats inside.
Beau sat up when he heard stacey and I smiled.
B. Mummy?
S. Hello beau beau bear.
B. I be sicky
S. I know. Daddy told me. You feel better now?
B. Ickle bit.
S. Ok then. You tell daddy if you feel sick again and he can stop. I'll give you cuddles when you get here yeah?
B. Kay
S. See ya in a bit kev
K. Right I'll see you soon
She hung up and beau smiled. "Mummy come home?" "Yeah that's why we've come to pick her up." He shuffled around and cuddled his teddy and slowly fell asleep. We finally pulled up in the airport parking and beau was still asleep. I pulled the hoodie over his head and made sure he had hold of the teddy before picking him up resting him on my hip and starting to walk towards the boots inside. I saw a few fans and they wanted photos. "Ummmm. Can you maybe wait here. Beaus not well and he's just got back to sleep. I'll make sure to walk back this way when I've picked Stacey up and then she can grab beau?" They nodded and I smiled and carried on walking. I spotted Stacey and smiled. Beaus forehead was warm on my neck and Stacey walked over and I smiled and kissed her. "Hiya baby." "You ok. Everything gone ok?" She nodded and I smiled. Beau started waking up and he looked at me. "Bright daddy." "Look who's here." He looked at Stacey and giggled. "Mummy!" I passed him over and smiled. I grabbed Staceys suitcase and took hold of her free hand smiling. "Stace. You mind if we go back this way. Someone wanted a photo but beau was asleep." She nodded so we walked back the way I can't and the three girls were still there sat with there older brother it looked like. They noticed me and smiled. "You still wanting a picture?" They nodded and I smiled and their brother took the photo before beau looked up. "Daddy stranger danger." "Stace give him here." Stacey passes him over and I crouched down. "Why don't you say hello." "Because they strangers." "Well. It's ok because mummy and daddy are here with you so it's fine." "Hello. I'm beau. This my daddy." "Hello. I'm daisy." "I'm cleo." "And I'm Caitlin." "Shh you have a photo with them daddy?" "Because I'm special." "I'm tired." I smiled. "Fair enough. Right then. It was lovely meeting you. You need some medicine beau. And a bath." "No bath!" "Ok then. How about a shower." "Go in nanas pool!" I sighed and we said goodbye and he wanted to walk so he grabbed one of my hands one of Staceys and we started walking to the car. "Swing me please?"
Beau was back in bed after having some medicine and me and stacey were just getting in bed. "I've missed you bubby." She curled into my naked top half an I smiled. "I love you stacey." "I love you too kevin."

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