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Staceys pov
After last nights moment. It was a relief to wake up in his arms again. "Kev?" "Mmm. I'm still here baby." He kissed my cheek and pulled me into him. "Time is it?" He turned over to look at the clock on the wall and then laid back down next to me. "Half nine bub." "Kev I need to get up." He shook his head and I smiled. "Kev." "Give me one good reason why." "Because I need the toilet Kevin." "You better come back though." "I will." He let me go and when I came back he pouted and patted the space next to him. I sat next to him and he kissed my neck. "Kev. Gentle. Please?" "You sore princess?" I nodded and he moved his arms from my chest to my thighs and smiled. "M' sorry baby." I shrugged and curled into him and he tried finding somewhere to lay his arm. Eventually it went back to my hip where it had been first thing this morning and I smiled. "You're always fucking adorable." He chuckled and stroked my cheek. "Why don't we have a shower and get dressed drive and get a breakfast from McDonald's or something and then go and surprise the kids early." I nodded and he smiled. "You getting a shower with me?" I shook my head and he looked at me. "Probably a good thing. If I saw you naked I wouldn't be able to stop myself." I smiled and he kissed me and offered me the shower first. I got showered and dressed and he knocked on the bedroom door. "Dressed?" "Yeah." He came in and smiled walking into the bathroom and I heard him scream. "Stacey! The waters cold!" "Then you haven't turned the tap the right way." "Oh yeah." I chuckled and finished getting dressed when he opened the door. "Can you pass me my jeans?" "Magic word." "Pleaseeeeee?" I passed him his jeans and pulled some shoes on and he finished getting dressed and we walked down to the car. He held his hand open and I put my hand in his.
Kevins PoV
I smiled and started driving and we were half an hour away when jo started ringing me so I pulled up and answered.
J. Kev
K. That's my name
J. Don't come down to grimsby.
K. Why?
J. The pap are everywhere
K. What about the kids
J. Neils coming down in about three hours is when he should get here. Me and him will bring the kids back up.
K. Thee can't be that many jo
J. Kev. There's at least two on every street. Three sometimes. It'll be safer for me and neil to bring them back up
K. You promise they'll be fine
J. Yes Kevin. Spend some more time with Stacey. Just. Use protection
S. Shut up joanne
We all laughed and stacey smiled
J. I'll see you later bro. Mum and dad say be careful
K. Okay bye
J. See ya Stace
S. Bye
She hung up and I frowned. "Why are they in grimsby?" "I dont know babe. Don't know." "Check for me. See if there's any headlines." She looked on her phone. "No. Nothing apart from your gorgeous face." I smiled and we just went for a random drive round the countryside. I rung jo again and she sighed.
K. Any idea why they're there
J. No Kev. Maybe something to do with Stace getting back early
K. I doubt it. There's nothing on socials.
J. Try not to worry about it. Well get to the bottom of it sooner or later.
I hug up and stacey smiled. "Now you see why I want a normal life." I smiled and drove back home and stacey looked at me. "Back to bed?" I nodded and we both got undressed and curled into each other. "Feeling better baby?" "Mhm." I was rubbing the back of my hand over her cheek and she kissed me. We held it for a while and she as the first to pull away and i cupped her cheeks and my eyes flicked between her eyes her lips and the dimple in her cheek. I smiled and she looked at me confused. "What?" "You have an adorable little dimple on your cheek. I've never noticed it to be honest." She fell back asleep in my arms and I smiled snuggling myself down next to her and falling asleep myself.

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