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Kevins PoV
Stacey was at home and I was walking down to elstree. Taking in the fresh air. A few paparazzi were following me and I noticed them. I looked at the camera and then carried on walking. I got outside elstree and the guard recognised me and let me in. I saw the others and walked into the studio and looked at them all. I noticed the kids in the back room with Jason and I looked at neil and frowned. "She won't leave the bed neil. I can't get her to move. She won't have anything to eat she won't tell me anything. I don't know what to do." They all frowned and janette looked at me. "She's grieving Kev. She's not gonna want to get out of bed for a few days. You've got to respect that." "She's blaming herself." "She's gonna." "But. It wasn't her fault janette. It was no ones fault." "Kev mate. Listen. She knows that but she's blaming herself because there's no one else to blame. She knows it wasn't your fault but she wants to blame someone or something and she can't." Janette looked at me and alijaz nodded. "Me and Ali can look after the kids until bedtime. You try and get her up and put even if it's just to move to the kitchen or to the front room to watch a movie. Just try." I nodded and beau ran in. I smiled and picked him up. "See mummy?" "Mummy. Mummy is sleepy." "Quiet?" I nodded and smiled. "You gonna stay with Janette and alijaz. And then come see me and mummy before bedtime." He nodded and ran to Janette. I smiled and told Hadley and she nodded and looked at me. "She's ok right?" "Yeah. Just one of them days I guess. She's not had the best week hmm?" She shook her head and I smiled. "I'll see you tonight ok?" She nodded and I walked out again acknowledging the pap but I decided to stop. They were shouting questions and I stopped. "Mr clifton where is Stacey?" "Work emails." "Your children?" "Private information." "Your daughter kora. How's it been?" "Tough. But you lot are making it a whole lot harder." I smiled and carried on walking and an oldish looking woman stopped me. "Excuse me Mr Clifton. I was wondering I could have a picture. Me and my niece love you on strictly." "Course." I took a picture and smiled before walking to the flat and locking it behind me. "Kev?" "Yeah just me. Can I come in?" She mumbled a yes and I smiled opening the door. She was dressed and had done her hair. I smiled and looked at her. "Come here." I opened my arms and she took her place between them and snuggled her head into my neck crying. "Shhh. I know I know." "They hate me kev." "No they don't." "They do though. Look." She passed me her phone and I scrolled through her Instagram dms and she had quite a few hate messages. Some just general some insulting her and Kora. I sighed and wrapped her back in my arms kissing her neck gently. "Don't listen to them. I know it's hard. I get that. But not one thing they've said is true. You're not pathetic you're not weak and you're not fat. You don't listen to a damn word they say." She nodded and I smiled and looked at her just running my hands through her hair. "Shall we go out for a drive. We don't have to get out the car. Just to get out of the house." She shook her head. "Go for a walk?" She nodded and I smiled. "Get some shoes and stuff on then." She pulled some trainers on and I looked her up and down and smiled. "Ever told you you're fucking gorgeous." She looked at me and smiled. "Shut up. Come on." I rolled my eyes and we walked out the house and round the streets just walking. Not going in any shops or talkin to anyone apart from each other. Just walking. "You wanna go and watch some pro dances?" She shrugged and I squeezed her hand. "Baby they know you won't wanna talk much. It's been a rough few weeks. They know that. Come on?" She nodded and I smiled. "I love you."

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