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Kevins PoV
"What do you want." "To apologise." "Last time you said that you tried attacking her." "Yeah well. Last time I was messed up. I shouldn't have done what I did and you were right. I should have told someone about Sam but. I've got something that belongs to stacey. They found it when they were clearing sams flat out." He handed her a velvet box and she smiled. "Mums necklace." I smiled and looked at Noah who smiled at beau and then noticed me and looked away. "I. I'm sorry for wasting your time." "No. You didn't. Thanks Noah." He smiled and walked off and me and stacey went back into our room and she put the necklace in the wardrobe before sitting next to me. Beau was trying to crawl and made it half way across the bed before sitting down. There was another knock on the door and this time the person walked straight through to the back bedroom and Joe and Dianne walked in with their little one and a half year old Emily. We smiled and hey perched on the other end of the bed and I picked beau up and sat him in between my legs to let them sit on the other side of the bed. He laid down and was sucking his thumb and drifted off to sleep. Stacey put him in the bouncer next to the bed and we smiled at little Emily who was hiding behind Joe. "It's only kev and Stace." She came out and sat on Diannes knee and smiled. "Me and di were thinking." "Mhm?" I wrapped my arm around stacey and she rested her hand on my thigh. "Would you mind looking after Em for maybe. Three days. Just. Di is on her tour and I'm in waitress and all my family are on holiday in Greece and-." "Yeah. Sure. We haven't got anything planned for the next two weeks. You don't need us tonight though right?" "No why?" "Going down to Grimsby with my sister and neil. See my mum and dad and because they haven't seen the kids in ages." "Joeyyyy." "Whattt." "Can we go to Australia at Christmas." "Sure." Emily was sitting on Staceys knee and I smiled. They stayed for an hour or so before Hadley started ringing me.
K. What's up?
She was crying
K. Hadley darling what's wrong
H. Can you just pick me up
K. Where are you
H. At olis
K. I'll be ten minutes. Is James there?
I pulled a shirt on and got ready grabbing the car keys and kissing stacey.
H. Yeah. He's talking to Oli
K. Ok then. I'm gonna have to go Hads. I'll not be long ok?
H. Mmm
I hung up and said bye before driving to Olis and knocking on the door and Oli answered. "What the hell has happened?" "Her and James were out with their mates and Jack walked past. He blamed connors sentence on her and chased them until they got here and I wouldn't let him in. I'm surprised he wasn't waiting." He let me in and James brought a tearful Hadley out and she just hugged me and I kissed the top of her head. "Let's go home hmm?" She nodded and I took her home after thanking Oli and James and Stacey went to talk to her in hadleys room. Joe was holding beau but he was crying until he saw me and calmed down. "Damn I've got one clingy baby." "Here take him. I don't want him to cry." I picked him up and he grabbed my hood on my hoodie an I chuckled. I gave him back to Di and went to check in stacey and Hadley. Hadley was asleep and Stacey put her finger on her lips. "She ok?" She nodded and I smiled and stacey came back into our room and sat with her head on my shoulder. "She ok?" We nodded and they smiled. I checked the time. Half two. Set off soon. "Stace babe. We better set off soon." "Come on then Emily darling. Let's go see caspar and ambar." "Bye uncle kev. Bye auntie Stacey." "See you sweetheart." They walked out and I got dressed and found some clothes for beau while Stacey went and got Hadley up. We drove down to grimsby and met Neil and jo there and beau was on my hip. Hadley and jo stayed outside for a while and talked but me and Stace and neil walked in and I smiled at my mum and dad. "Alright kev?" "Yeah. You?" "Good. How's the little one." I passed him over and he chuckled. "He's a big lad ent he." "Mmm." Jo came back this time without Hadley and I looked a her. "Where is she?" "Kev. Relax. She's just having a minute. She'll come down when she's ready." Stacey was talking to neil and dad and mum walked over and we smiled. "You've both got keepers." We smiled and nodded. I looked at stacey who was talking to my dad while Neil had gone to check on Hadley. "Kev." I looked back at mum and jo. "What?" "Stop staring at your girlfriend." We had food and beau was crying and jo couldn't make him stop so I picked him up and rocked him gently. Nothing worked. I sang him bear necessities like I do before he goes to sleep and he calmed down and laid happily in my arms sucking his thumb. They all looked at me and I smiled. "What?" "How did you do that?" "Do what?" "Stop him crying. With a song from the bloody jungle book." "I sing it to him all the time. Calms him down. I worked it out when him and Stace were back home. That first night he wouldn't stop crying so I thought of a random song and sang it. Since then I've sang it to him whenever I've put him to bed." My mum and dad were beaming and Stacey just chuckled. "What you laughing at?" "I thought you were singing to yourself. But that explains it." I smiled and sat on the sofa with him on my chest. Soon enough the sun had set and jo and neil were the first ones to go to bed. And then Hadley and beau then me and Stace then mum and dad. Hadley slept on the sofa downstairs because she preferred it and beau was in a travel cot next to our bed.
Staceys PoV
He was peppering me in kisses and I smiled. "Kev. What are you doing?" "Is it illegal to kiss my girlfriend." He kissed my thighs and I pushed him away. "That's it. No more." "You know you want me to." He chuckled and kissed my lips and rested his head in the space between my neck and shoulder. "I can't wait to marry you." "I wait for the day." "Goodnight stacey." "Goodnight Kev."

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