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In a quaint little town, there is one protruding monstrosity that simply destroys the picturesque image.

It’s obnoxiously large in comparison to the old-fashioned two story homes scattered across the area.

Standing five stories tall, and complete with an iron gate, is the LeNoir estate.

Harrison and Victoria LeNoir owned more than half the town and several pharmaceutical companies worldwide. You see, Harrison was simply born into the wealth he now swims in, and he was raised to look down on others of lesser value. With his dashing looks and money burning a gaping hole in his pocket, it was no surprise when he wed the lovely French model, Victoria Arnette. The two of them together was a force to be reckoned with.

No one quite knows why they chose to live in Violetwood, a town that was non existent on the most detailed map, but one day the people watched as cranes, bulldozers, and trucks roared through the streets, leaving them to watch helplessly as workers began work on the soon to be mansion.

To say that the LeNoir’s were a commodity is an understatement, but there’s one thing, or one person, that trumps them. Audrey, their nineteen year old daughter. With her parents looks mixed in her DNA, her face was one to remember.

Wide bright blue eyes, perfectly coiled blond hair, flawless ivory skin, and pouty rose lips. Not a pair of eyes that had seen her denied her beauty. She was the perfect doll.

But just like the little dolls her parents would buy her as a child, she was hollow.

Her parents never had to deal with tantrums, never had to deal with mood swings, and her teenage years were practically non existent. She gracefully moved through her life void of any emotion, intriguing others with her seemingly perfect face, yet intimidating them with her cool demeanor.

No one had broken through the mystery that is Audrey LeNoir, and up until now it seemed no one ever would.

She didn’t mind though, in fact she preferred it.

All her life she was raised to be perfect. Piano lessons started the moment she could move her fingers with comprehension, and homeschooling began at the age of two. Artists were flown in from all around the world to instruct her, just to add to the faultless image she held.

Her parents worked hard to teach her the skills she needed to be the best. The skills to make the perfect trophy daughter. That included teaching her that letting others know your emotions, was the biggest weakness any one person could have.

That’s how it started. That’s what emptied her.


Cameron Blake was the exact opposite. He was open book for all to read. Sarah Blake, his loving mother, raised him and his little sister single handedly. Sure they went through tough times, struggling to pay the rent, but they always got through it together. He was a family man to say the least.

As if by fate, he was forced to take art class during his senior year, his guidance counselors scolding him for not having the needed credit.

Within one class, he was hooked. His art teacher was in complete awe at his first piece. Cameron was skilled beyond his experience, as he let his entire emotions flood onto the canvas.

But he wasn’t just bound to one medium. Soon after his first taste of inspiration, he tried his hand at sculpture, and photography.

No matter what he tried, Cameron created jaw dropping pieces. His family no longer struggled as the once had, but they remained perfectly humble.

once it was certain his mother and sister would be ok on their own, he left home, traveling in search on a motivation. A muse.

Little did he know she was hiding in insignificant Violetwood.


Its just a little prolouge, hoping people will actually read this, but who knows.

Votes and comments would be appreciated :)


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